var presentation = ["Parks and Recreation<\/word>","auditor<\/word>","straightforward<\/word>","passive-aggressive<\/word>","Ben Wyatt<\/word>","then became<\/word>","regular character<\/word>","originally appeared<\/word>","Chris Traeger<\/word>","Ben Wyatt<\/strong> is a character on the NBC TV show Parks and Recreation<\/strong>. He guest-starred in two episodes in season two, and then became<\/strong> a regular character<\/strong> in season 3. He originally appeared<\/strong> as a state auditor<\/strong> who comes to Pawnee with Chris Traeger<\/strong> to evaluate Pawnee's funds at the end of season 2. Ben is straightforward<\/strong> and willing to tell the truth, even if it could offend someone. He could also be passive-aggressive<\/strong> at times.<\/phrase>","mayor<\/word>","Partridge, Minnesota<\/word>","immaturity<\/word>","lack of experience<\/word>","bankrupted the city<\/word>","auditor<\/word>","wave<\/word>","anti-incumbent sentiment<\/word>","Ben Wyatt<\/word>","winter sports complex<\/word>","Ice Town<\/word>","cities escape bankruptcy<\/word>","Riding a wave<\/strong> of anti-incumbent sentiment<\/strong>, Ben Wyatt<\/strong> was elected mayor<\/strong> of the town of Partridge, Minnesota<\/strong> in November of 1992, at the age of 18. His immaturity<\/strong> and lack of experience<\/strong> led him to be unofficially banned from Partridge after he bankrupted the city<\/strong> by creating a winter sports complex<\/strong> called Ice Town<\/strong>. After maturing, he becomes a state auditor<\/strong> and helps cities escape bankruptcy<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","do not get along<\/word>","auditor<\/word>","mayor<\/word>","Leslie Knope<\/word>","In Season Two when Ben first comes to Pawnee, he and Leslie Knope<\/strong> do not get along<\/strong>. When he asks her out to have a beer, they begin to respect each other more. They become friends and he shares his history in politics with her, and tells her he became an auditor<\/strong> to show that he is responsible enough to run for mayor<\/strong> again.<\/phrase>","Harvest Festival<\/word>","flu<\/word>","Flu Season<\/word>","Pawnee Chamber of Commerce<\/word>","waffles<\/word>","JJ's Diner<\/word>","his interest romantically in Leslie<\/word>","Leslie Knope<\/word>","important presentation<\/word>","noodle soup<\/word>","Ben and Chris agree to re-start the tradition of the Pawnee Harvest Festival<\/strong> at the proposal of Leslie Knope<\/strong>. Ben brings Leslie to the hospital for the flu<\/strong> because she won't admit she's sick in the episode \"Flu Season<\/strong>\", due to the fact that she has an important presentation<\/strong> with the Pawnee Chamber of Commerce<\/strong> about the Harvest Festival<\/strong>. He brings her waffles<\/strong> from JJ's Diner<\/strong> in the same episode, and chicken noodle soup<\/strong>, hinting his interest romantically in Leslie<\/strong>. The Harvest Festival<\/strong> brings Ben and Leslie closer together because of the teamwork needed for the success of it.<\/phrase>","Jerry's Painting<\/word>","Andy<\/word>","he has feelings for Leslie<\/word>","Road Trip<\/word>","kiss<\/word>","In the episode \"Jerry's Painting<\/strong>\", he admits to Andy<\/strong> that he has feelings for Leslie<\/strong> and that she might have feelings for him also. In \"Road Trip<\/strong>\", he and Leslie kiss<\/strong>. Season 3 leaves off with uncertainty as to which the relationship will continue because Leslie is contemplating running for office.<\/phrase>","confused<\/word>","follow her dreams<\/word>","split amicably<\/word>","not rid the two of their feelings<\/word>","secret romance<\/word>","Season 4 starts with Leslie being confused<\/strong> over whether to continue her secret romance<\/strong> with Ben or to follow her dreams<\/strong> and run for office. The pair decides to split amicably<\/strong>, with Ben giving Leslie a \"Knope 2012\" button. However, this split does not rid the two of their feelings<\/strong> for each other.<\/phrase>","make their relationship official<\/word>","Smallest Park<\/word>","Eventually, after several more fights and awkward situations, Leslie and Ben decide to make their relationship official<\/strong>, despite the consequences, in \"Smallest Park<\/strong>\".<\/phrase>","trial<\/word>","two-week suspension<\/word>","resigned<\/word>","order to save hers<\/word>","resignation<\/word>","he was resigning because he loves Leslie<\/word>","Ethel Beavers<\/word>","Leslie and Ben then decide it is best to tell Chris about their relationship, which results to Leslie being put on trial<\/strong> to see whether she used her relationship with Ben to get special treatment. Leslie is then surprised when she receives only a two-week suspension<\/strong> with pay. She is then informed that Ben has resigned<\/strong> from his job in order to save hers<\/strong>. Later, when Leslie has Ethel Beavers<\/strong> read the transcript from his resignation<\/strong> (on Chris's recommendation), she finds out that Ben had said he was resigning because he loves Leslie<\/strong>. Leslie then has Ethel read a transcript of her saying she loves Ben to him.<\/phrase>","He proposes to Leslie<\/word>","spontaneous wedding ceremony<\/word>","City Hall<\/word>","He proposes to Leslie<\/strong> and they move into a house together. Ben and Leslie had a spontaneous wedding ceremony<\/strong> at City Hall<\/strong>, attended only by their close friends.<\/phrase>","Flu Season<\/word>","pregnant<\/word>","they are having triplets<\/word>","time jump<\/word>","parents of two boys and a girl<\/word>","learn<\/word>","In \"Flu Season<\/strong> 2\" Leslie learns that she is pregnant<\/strong>. When Ben does find out, he is happy. Ben and Leslie subsequently learn<\/strong> from Dr. Saperstein that they are having triplets<\/strong>. Ben becomes extremely tense and apprehensive about the cost of raising three children, but Leslie is able to calm him. A time jump<\/strong> of three years shows that Ben and Leslie are now parents of two boys and a girl<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","move to Washington<\/word>","April<\/word>","Andy<\/word>","work<\/word>","Department of the Interior<\/word>","Congress<\/word>","Ben and Leslie decide to move to Washington<\/strong> with April<\/strong> and Andy<\/strong> after Leslie is offered a promotion to work<\/strong> at the Department of the Interior<\/strong> and Ben runs for Congress<\/strong> in 2018.<\/phrase>","flash-forwards<\/word>","Ben's congressional campaign<\/word>","successful<\/word>","representative<\/word>","Indiana<\/word>","House of Representatives<\/word>","Governor of Indiana<\/word>","President of the United States<\/word>","secret service<\/word>","Through a series of flash-forwards<\/strong>, it is revealed that Ben's congressional campaign<\/strong> was successful<\/strong> and is now a representative<\/strong> from Indiana<\/strong> for the House of Representatives<\/strong>. In 2025, he and Leslie are both given the opportunity to run as Governor of Indiana<\/strong>, Ben ultimately decides to let Leslie run (which she wins). By 2048, it is hinted that either he or Leslie has been elected President of the United States<\/strong> when a member of the secret service<\/strong> approaches both of them and says \"It's time to go\".<\/phrase>"]; var currentPosition = 0; var totalPositions = 0; var timePerWord = 1500; var timePerPhraseWord = 120 var readAheadPlayerTimer; var autoPlay = true; var setMinimized = false; var wordSpeedOptions = {'Slower':2000,'Moderate':1200,'Fast':800}; var phraseSpeedOptions = {'Slower':280,'Moderate':200,'Fast':80}; var defaultWordSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var defaultPhraseSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var logToLTI = false; $(window).load(function(){ totalPositions = presentation.length; if (totalPositions > 0){ $('body').prepend('
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