var presentation = ["The Ship of the Dead<\/word>","young-adult fantasy novel<\/word>","Norse mythology<\/word>","third and final novel<\/word>","Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard trilogy<\/word>","Asgard's greatest threat<\/word>","Rick Riordan<\/word>","Magnus Chase<\/word>","sail<\/word>","Jotunheim<\/word>","Niflheim<\/word>","The Ship of the Dead<\/strong> is a young-adult fantasy novel<\/strong> based on Norse mythology<\/strong> written by American author Rick Riordan<\/strong>. It is the third and final novel<\/strong> in the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard trilogy<\/strong>. The novel is narrated in the first-person view by Magnus Chase<\/strong>, 16-year-old demigod and homeless orphan. He and his crew sail<\/strong> to the farthest borders of Jotunheim<\/strong> and Niflheim<\/strong> in pursuit of Asgard's greatest threat<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","ocean survival jumping lesson<\/word>","recover notes<\/word>","hold the key to defeating their parent<\/word>","Sam al-Abbas<\/word>","accompany Magnus<\/word>","plan to pick up Blitzen and Hearthstone<\/word>","court of Aegir<\/word>","Hearth and Blitz are held prisoner<\/word>","Aegir was once humiliated by Loki<\/word>","flyting contest<\/word>","Magnus Chase<\/word>","Percy Jackson<\/word>","Annabeth Chase<\/word>","Alex Fierro<\/word>","travel<\/word>","Chase Mansion<\/word>","Randolph<\/word>","Valhalla<\/word>","Frey<\/word>","Mallory Keen<\/word>","Halfborn Gunderson<\/word>","Thomas Jefferson Jr<\/word>","Nine Billow Maidens<\/word>","discover<\/word>","Magnus Chase<\/strong> receives an ocean survival jumping lesson<\/strong> from Percy Jackson<\/strong>, a Greek demigod who is his cousin Annabeth Chase<\/strong>'s boyfriend. Alex Fierro<\/strong> and Magnus travel<\/strong> to the Chase Mansion<\/strong>, where they recover notes<\/strong>, guarded by a wolf, scribbled by Randolph<\/strong> at different points of time. Alex feels that these notes hold the key to defeating their parent<\/strong>. After reaching Valhalla<\/strong>, Magnus summons a ship gifted by his father Frey<\/strong>. Mallory Keen<\/strong>, Halfborn Gunderson<\/strong>, Thomas Jefferson Jr<\/strong>., Sam al-Abbas<\/strong> and Alex accompany Magnus<\/strong>, while they plan to pick up Blitzen and Hearthstone<\/strong> along the way. The crew's talk is heard by the Nine Billow Maidens<\/strong>, who take them to the court of Aegir<\/strong>, where Hearth and Blitz are held prisoner<\/strong> and they discover<\/strong> that Aegir was once humiliated by Loki<\/strong> in a flyting contest<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","Aegir's eldest daughter<\/word>","realizes Magnus' identity<\/word>","swears<\/word>","to defeat Loki in a flyting contest<\/word>","avenge Aegir's humiliation<\/word>","attacked by Aegir's nine daughters<\/word>","defeat Loki<\/word>","drinking Kvasir's mead<\/word>","continue on their journey<\/word>","retrieve Bolverk's whetstone<\/word>","Aegir<\/word>","escape<\/word>","help<\/word>","Njord<\/word>","Aegir's eldest daughter<\/strong> realizes Magnus' identity<\/strong> from his previous encounter with her mother Ran. Upon being threatened, Magnus swears<\/strong> by his troth to defeat Loki in a flyting contest<\/strong> to avenge Aegir's humiliation<\/strong>, and Aegir<\/strong> tells them to escape<\/strong> while he isn't looking. But the crew is nevertheless attacked by Aegir's nine daughters<\/strong>. They escape<\/strong> with the help<\/strong> of Magnus' grandfather Njord<\/strong> who appears even though he is unwelcome but respected. Njord<\/strong> instructs them and tells Magnus that the only way to defeat Loki<\/strong> is by drinking Kvasir's mead<\/strong>. The crew continue on their journey<\/strong>, with Blitz and Hearth traveling separately to retrieve Bolverk's whetstone<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","crew heads to York<\/word>","Mallory died disarming a bomb in Ireland<\/word>","Halfborn died near Jorvik<\/word>","TJ died after forcefully accepting a hopeless challenge<\/word>","Samirah<\/word>","Ramadan<\/word>","As the crew heads to York<\/strong>, the backstories of the members are revealed. Mallory died disarming a bomb in Ireland<\/strong>; Halfborn died near Jorvik<\/strong>; TJ died after forcefully accepting a hopeless challenge<\/strong> (meaning he has to accept all challenges posed to him, whether he fails or succeeds), a trait inherited from his father Tyr. Samirah<\/strong> fasts during the Ramadan<\/strong> season.<\/phrase>","duel with the giant Hrungnir<\/word>","Kvasir's Mead<\/word>","word battle<\/word>","he wins<\/word>","not by insulting Loki<\/word>","making his teamwork evident<\/word>","make Loki shrink<\/word>","evident faults<\/word>","he is alone<\/word>","his loyal wife Sigyn disappears<\/word>","Loki reduces to the size of a nut<\/word>","imprisoned in a walnut<\/word>","Old York<\/word>","Kvasir Mead<\/word>","Jorvik<\/word>","Norway<\/word>","Naglfar<\/word>","The crew arrives at Old York<\/strong>, where they duel with the giant Hrungnir<\/strong> for the location of Kvasir's Mead<\/strong>. They get the information that they need: that the Kvasir Mead<\/strong> is in Jorvik<\/strong> (or Norway<\/strong> ,in the human world). Magnus later has a word battle<\/strong> on board Naglfar<\/strong> (ship made of nails) in which he wins<\/strong> not by insulting Loki<\/strong> but making his teamwork evident<\/strong> and his words make Loki shrink<\/strong> due to his evident faults<\/strong> and says that even among the midst of thousands, he is alone<\/strong>, as even his loyal wife Sigyn disappears<\/strong> from his side. Magnus wins because Loki reduces to the size of a nut<\/strong> and is imprisoned in a walnut<\/strong> given to them earlier by Mallory's mother, the queen of Asgard, when she came to meet Mallory on the train in Norway<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","travel back to Valhalla<\/word>","meet their godly parents<\/word>","congratulate them for defeating Loki<\/word>","delaying the Ragnarok<\/word>","convert his mansion to an orphanage and home for the homeless<\/word>","calls Annabeth<\/word>","Magnus and his friends travel back to Valhalla<\/strong> to meet their godly parents<\/strong> who congratulate them for defeating Loki<\/strong> and delaying the Ragnarok<\/strong> for which Magnus is rewarded with a boon from Lord Odin. Magnus asks Odin to lend him his lawyers so that he can convert his mansion to an orphanage and home for the homeless<\/strong>. He later calls Annabeth<\/strong> and tells her his adventure and notices her sobbing.<\/phrase>"]; var currentPosition = 0; var totalPositions = 0; var timePerWord = 1500; var timePerPhraseWord = 120 var readAheadPlayerTimer; var autoPlay = true; var setMinimized = false; var wordSpeedOptions = {'Slower':2000,'Moderate':1200,'Fast':800}; var phraseSpeedOptions = {'Slower':280,'Moderate':200,'Fast':80}; var defaultWordSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var defaultPhraseSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var logToLTI = false; $(window).load(function(){ totalPositions = presentation.length; if (totalPositions > 0){ $('body').prepend('
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