var presentation = ["BEYOND LIES THE WUB\nBy PHILIP K. DICK<\/phrase>","Peterson<\/word>","\"The wub, sir,\" Peterson<\/strong> said. \"It spoke!\"<\/phrase>","well<\/word>","talk<\/word>","like<\/word>","live<\/word>","The slovenly wub might well<\/strong> have said: Many men\u2028talk<\/strong> like<\/strong> philosophers and live<\/strong> like<\/strong> fools.<\/phrase>","Optus<\/word>","face sunk<\/word>","Captain Franco<\/word>","matter<\/word>","Captain<\/word>","Just<\/word>","back<\/word>","new hunts<\/word>","Mars<\/word>","first mate<\/word>","watch<\/word>","good bargain here<\/word>","They had almost finished with the loading. Outside stood the Optus<\/strong>, his arms folded, his face sunk<\/strong> in gloom. Captain Franco<\/strong> walked leisurely down the gangplank, grinning.\n\"What's the matter<\/strong>?\" he said. \"You're getting paid for all this.\"\nThe Optus<\/strong> said nothing. He turned away, collecting his robes. The Captain<\/strong> put his boot on the hem of the robe.\n\"Just<\/strong> a minute. Don't go off. I'm not finished.\"\n\"Oh?\" The Optus<\/strong> turned with dignity. \"I am going back<\/strong> to the village.\" He looked toward the animals and birds being driven up the gangplank into the spaceship. \"I must organize new hunts<\/strong>.\"\nFranco lit a cigarette. \"Why not? You people can go out into the veldt and track it all down again. But when we run out halfway between Mars<\/strong> and Earth-\"\nThe Optus<\/strong> went off, wordless. Franco joined the first mate<\/strong> at the bottom of the gangplank.\n\"How's it coming?\" he said. He looked at his watch<\/strong>. \"We got a good bargain here<\/strong>.\"<\/phrase>","mate<\/word>","explain<\/word>","need<\/word>","long<\/word>","Martian go-birds<\/word>","disappear<\/word>","saw<\/word>","My God<\/word>","face<\/word>","great body<\/word>","few flies<\/word>","The mate<\/strong> glanced at him sourly. \"How do you explain<\/strong> that?\"\n\"What's the matter<\/strong> with you? We need<\/strong> it more than they do.\"\n\"I'll see you later, Captain<\/strong>.\" The mate<\/strong> threaded his way up the plank, between the long<\/strong>-legged Martian go-birds<\/strong>, into the ship. Franco watched him disappear<\/strong>. He was just<\/strong> starting up after him, up the plank toward the port, when he saw<\/strong> it.\n\"My God<\/strong>!\" He stood staring, his hands on his hips. Peterson<\/strong> was walking along the path, his face<\/strong> red, leading it by a string.\n\"I'm sorry, Captain<\/strong>,\" he said, tugging at the string. Franco walked toward him.\n\"What is it?\"\nThe wub stood sagging, its great body<\/strong> settling slowly. It was sitting down, its eyes half shut. A few flies<\/strong> buzzed about its flank, and it switched its tail.<\/phrase>","fifty cents<\/word>","unusual animal<\/word>","sloping side<\/word>","huge dirty pig<\/word>","call<\/word>","huge pig<\/word>","weigh<\/word>","rough hair<\/word>","great mouth<\/word>","It sat. There was silence.\n\"It's a wub,\" Peterson<\/strong> said. \"I got it from a native for fifty cents<\/strong>. He said it was a very unusual animal<\/strong>. Very respected.\"\n\"This?\" Franco poked the great sloping side<\/strong> of the wub. \"It's a pig! A huge dirty pig<\/strong>!\"\n\"Yes sir, it's a pig. The natives call<\/strong> it a wub.\"\n\"A huge pig<\/strong>. It must weigh<\/strong> four hundred pounds.\" Franco grabbed a tuft of the rough hair<\/strong>. The wub gasped. Its eyes opened, small and moist. Then its great mouth<\/strong> twitched.\nA tear rolled down the wub's cheek and splashed on the floor.\n\"Maybe it's good to eat,\" Peterson<\/strong> said nervously.\n\"We'll soon find out,\" Franco said.<\/phrase>","sound<\/word>","fetch<\/word>","The wub survived the take-off, sound<\/strong> asleep in the hold of the ship. When they were out in space and everything was running smoothly, Captain Franco<\/strong> bade his men fetch<\/strong> the wub upstairs so that he might perceive what manner of beast it was.<\/phrase>","Come<\/word>","Jones<\/word>","smooth chrome walls<\/word>","heap<\/word>","Lord<\/word>","French<\/word>","The wub grunted and wheezed, squeezing up the passageway.\n\"Come<\/strong> on,\" Jones<\/strong> grated, pulling at the rope. The wub twisted, rubbing its skin off on the smooth chrome walls<\/strong>. It burst into the ante-room, tumbling down in a heap<\/strong>. The men leaped up.\n\"Good Lord<\/strong>,\" French<\/strong> said. \"What is it?\"<\/phrase>","water<\/word>","head<\/word>","\"Peterson<\/strong> says it's a wub,\" Jones<\/strong> said. \"It belongs to him.\" He kicked at the wub. The wub stood up unsteadily, panting.\n\"What's the matter<\/strong> with it?\" French<\/strong> came over. \"Is it going to be sick?\"\nThey watched. The wub rolled its eyes mournfully. It gazed around at the men.\n\"I think it's thirsty,\" Peterson<\/strong> said. He went to get some water<\/strong>. French<\/strong> shook his head<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","wonder<\/word>","much trouble<\/word>","ballast calculations<\/word>","look<\/word>","milk<\/word>","enjoy<\/word>","eating<\/word>","taste<\/word>","real question<\/word>","doubt<\/word>","much point<\/word>","want<\/word>","\"No wonder<\/strong> we had so much trouble<\/strong> taking off. I had to reset all my ballast calculations<\/strong>.\"\nPeterson<\/strong> came back<\/strong> with the water<\/strong>. The wub began to lap gratefully, splashing the men.\nCaptain Franco<\/strong> appeared at the door.\n\"Let's have a look<\/strong> at it.\" He advanced, squinting critically. \"You got this for fifty cents<\/strong>?\"\n\"Yes, sir,\" Peterson<\/strong> said. \"It eats almost anything. I fed it on grain and it liked that. And then potatoes, and mash, and scraps from the table, and milk<\/strong>. It seems to enjoy<\/strong> eating<\/strong>. After it eats it lies down and goes to sleep.\"\n\"I see,\" Captain Franco<\/strong> said. \"Now, as to its taste<\/strong>. That's the real question<\/strong>. I doubt<\/strong> if there's much point<\/strong> in fattening it up any more. It seems fat enough to me already. Where's the cook? I want<\/strong> him here. I want<\/strong> to find out-\"<\/phrase>","suggest<\/word>","other matters<\/word>","The wub stopped lapping and looked up at the Captain<\/strong>.\n\"Really, Captain<\/strong>,\" the wub said. \"I suggest<\/strong> we talk<\/strong> of other matters<\/strong>.\"\nThe room was silent.\n\"What was that?\" Franco said. \"Just<\/strong> now.\"\n\"The wub, sir,\" Peterson<\/strong> said. \"It spoke.\"\nThey all looked at the wub.<\/phrase>","other things<\/word>","open<\/word>","\"What did it say? What did it say?\"\n\"It suggested we talk<\/strong> about other things<\/strong>.\"\nFranco walked toward the wub. He went all around it, examining it from every side. Then he came back<\/strong> over and stood with the men.\n\"I wonder<\/strong> if there's a native inside it,\" he said thoughtfully. \"Maybe we should open<\/strong> it up and have a look<\/strong>.\"\n\"Oh, goodness!\" the wub cried. \"Is that all you people can think of, killing and cutting?\"<\/phrase>","beg<\/word>","low voice<\/word>","Franco clenched his fists. \"Come<\/strong> out of there! Whoever you are, come<\/strong> out!\"\nNothing stirred. The men stood together, their faces blank, staring at the wub. The wub swished its tail. It belched suddenly.\n\"I beg<\/strong> your pardon,\" the wub said.\n\"I don't think there's anyone in there,\" Jones<\/strong> said in a low voice<\/strong>. They all looked at each other.<\/phrase>","measure<\/word>","agree<\/word>","basic issues<\/word>","long time<\/word>","answer<\/word>","The cook came in.\n\"You wanted me, Captain<\/strong>?\" he said. \"What's this thing?\"\n\"This is a wub,\" Franco said. \"It's to be eaten. Will you measure<\/strong> it and figure out-\"\n\"I think we should have a talk<\/strong>,\" the wub said. \"I'd like<\/strong> to discuss this with you, Captain<\/strong>, if I might. I can see that you and I do not agree<\/strong> on some basic issues<\/strong>.\"\nThe Captain<\/strong> took a long time<\/strong> to answer<\/strong>. The wub waited good-naturedly, licking the water<\/strong> from its jowls.<\/phrase>","last<\/word>","Sure<\/word>","\"Come<\/strong> into my office,\" the Captain<\/strong> said at last<\/strong>. He turned and walked out of the room. The wub rose and padded after him. The men watched it go out. They heard it climbing the stairs.\n\"I wonder<\/strong> what the outcome will be,\" the cook said. \"Well<\/strong>, I'll be in the kitchen. Let me know as soon as you hear.\"\n\"Sure<\/strong>,\" Jones<\/strong> said. \"Sure<\/strong>.\"<\/phrase>","sigh<\/word>","various forms<\/word>","correct<\/word>","suppose<\/word>","own term<\/word>","The wub eased itself down in the corner with a sigh<\/strong>. \"You must forgive me,\" it said. \"I'm afraid I'm addicted to various forms<\/strong> of relaxation. When one is as large as I-\"\nThe Captain<\/strong> nodded impatiently. He sat down at his desk and folded his hands.\n\"All right,\" he said. \"Let's get started. You're a wub? Is that correct<\/strong>?\"\nThe wub shrugged. \"I suppose<\/strong> so. That's what they call<\/strong> us, the natives, I mean. We have our own term<\/strong>.\"<\/phrase>","speak English<\/word>","Earthmen<\/word>","semantic warehouse<\/word>","Telepathy<\/word>","\"And you speak English<\/strong>? You've been in contact with Earthmen<\/strong> before?\"\n\"No.\"\n\"Then how do you do it?\"\n\"Speak English<\/strong>? Am I speaking English? I'm not conscious of speaking anything in particular. I examined your mind-\"\n\"My mind?\"\n\"I studied the contents, especially the semantic warehouse<\/strong>, as I refer to it-\"\n\"I see,\" the Captain<\/strong> said. \"Telepathy<\/strong>. Of course.\"<\/phrase>","old race<\/word>","move<\/word>","appreciate<\/word>","slow<\/word>","agile forms<\/word>","use<\/word>","physical defenses<\/word>","hunt<\/word>","\"We are a very old race<\/strong>,\" the wub said. \"Very old and very ponderous. It is difficult for us to move<\/strong> around. You can appreciate<\/strong> that anything so slow<\/strong> and heavy would be at the mercy of more agile forms<\/strong> of life. There was no use<\/strong> in our relying on physical defenses<\/strong>. How could we win? Too heavy to run, too soft to fight, too good-natured to hunt<\/strong> for game-\"\n\"How do you live<\/strong>?\"<\/phrase>","Tolerant<\/word>","frozen food locker<\/word>","\"Plants. Vegetables. We can eat almost anything. We're very catholic. Tolerant<\/strong>, eclectic, catholic. We live<\/strong> and let live<\/strong>. That's how we've gotten along.\"\nThe wub eyed the Captain<\/strong>.\n\"And that's why I so violently objected to this business about having me boiled. I could see the image in your mind-most of me in the frozen food locker<\/strong>, some of me in the kettle, a bit for your pet cat-\"<\/phrase>","few odds<\/word>","nice apartment<\/word>","quite<\/word>","Martian birds<\/word>","Indeed<\/word>","\"So you read minds?\" the Captain<\/strong> said. \"How interesting. Anything else? I mean, what else can you do along those lines?\"\n\"A few odds<\/strong> and ends,\" the wub said absently, staring around the room. \"A nice apartment<\/strong> you have here, Captain<\/strong>. You keep it quite<\/strong> neat. I respect life-forms that are tidy. Some Martian birds<\/strong> are quite<\/strong> tidy. They throw things out of their nests and sweep them-\"\n\"Indeed<\/strong>.\" The Captain<\/strong> nodded. \"But to get back<\/strong> to the problem-\"<\/phrase>","lasting contact<\/word>","mine<\/word>","barbaric attitudes<\/word>","philosophy<\/word>","interest<\/word>","next month<\/word>","protect<\/word>","such infringements<\/word>","\"Quite<\/strong> so. You spoke of dining on me. The taste<\/strong>, I am told, is good. A little fatty, but tender. But how can any lasting contact<\/strong> be established between your people and mine<\/strong> if you resort to such barbaric attitudes<\/strong>? Eat me? Rather you should discuss questions with me, philosophy<\/strong>, the arts-\"\nThe Captain<\/strong> stood up. \"Philosophy<\/strong>. It might interest<\/strong> you to know that we will be hard put to find something to eat for the next month<\/strong>. An unfortunate spoilage-\"\n\"I know.\" The wub nodded. \"But wouldn't it be more in accord with your principles of democracy if we all drew straws, or something along that line? After all, democracy is to protect<\/strong> the minority from just<\/strong> such infringements<\/strong>. Now, if each of us casts one vote-\"<\/phrase>","Nuts<\/word>","The Captain<\/strong> walked to the door.\n\"Nuts<\/strong> to you,\" he said. He opened the door. He opened his mouth.\nHe stood frozen, his mouth wide, his eyes staring, his fingers still on the knob.\nThe wub watched him. Presently it padded out of the room, edging past the Captain<\/strong>. It went down the hall, deep in meditation.<\/phrase>","common myth<\/word>","familiar myth symbols<\/word>","Ishtar<\/word>","Please<\/word>","self-conscious races<\/word>","The room was quiet.\n\"So you see,\" the wub said, \"we have a common myth<\/strong>. Your mind contains many familiar myth symbols<\/strong>. Ishtar<\/strong>, Odysseus-\"\nPeterson<\/strong> sat silently, staring at the floor. He shifted in his chair.\n\"Go on,\" he said. \"Please<\/strong> go on.\"\n\"I find in your Odysseus a figure common to the mythology of most self-conscious races<\/strong>. As I interpret it, Odysseus wanders as an individual, aware of himself as such. This is the idea of separation, of separation from family and country. The process of individuation.\"<\/phrase>","port window<\/word>","endless stars<\/word>","empty universe<\/word>","temporary period<\/word>","brief journey<\/word>","wanderer returns<\/word>","land<\/word>","race<\/word>","great head<\/word>","\"But Odysseus returns to his home.\" Peterson<\/strong> looked out the port window<\/strong>, at the stars, endless stars<\/strong>, burning intently in the empty universe<\/strong>. \"Finally he goes home.\"\n\"As must all creatures. The moment of separation is a temporary period<\/strong>, a brief journey<\/strong> of the soul. It begins, it ends. The wanderer returns<\/strong> to land<\/strong> and race<\/strong>....\"\nThe door opened. The wub stopped, turning its great head<\/strong>.\nCaptain Franco<\/strong> came into the room, the men behind him. They hesitated at the door.<\/phrase>","order<\/word>","\"Are you all right?\" French<\/strong> said.\n\"Do you mean me?\" Peterson<\/strong> said, surprised. \"Why me?\"\nFranco lowered his gun. \"Come<\/strong> over here,\" he said to Peterson<\/strong>. \"Get up and come<\/strong> here.\"\nThere was silence.\n\"Go ahead,\" the wub said. \"It doesn't matter<\/strong>.\"\nPeterson<\/strong> stood up. \"What for?\"\n\"It's an order<\/strong>.\"\nPeterson<\/strong> walked to the door. French<\/strong> caught his arm.<\/phrase>","wish<\/word>","tongue lolling<\/word>","\"What's going on?\" Peterson<\/strong> wrenched loose. \"What's the matter<\/strong> with you?\"\nCaptain Franco<\/strong> moved toward the wub. The wub looked up from where it lay in the corner, pressed against the wall.\n\"It is interesting,\" the wub said, \"that you are obsessed with the idea of eating<\/strong> me. I wonder<\/strong> why.\"\n\"Get up,\" Franco said.\n\"If you wish<\/strong>.\" The wub rose, grunting. \"Be patient. It is difficult for me.\" It stood, gasping, its tongue lolling<\/strong> foolishly.<\/phrase>","fear<\/word>","right now<\/word>","great chest rising<\/word>","\"Shoot it now,\" French<\/strong> said.\n\"For God's sake!\" Peterson<\/strong> exclaimed. Jones<\/strong> turned to him quickly, his eyes gray with fear<\/strong>.\n\"You didn't see him-like<\/strong> a statue, standing there, his mouth open<\/strong>. If we hadn't come<\/strong> down, he'd still be there.\"\n\"Who? The Captain<\/strong>?\" Peterson<\/strong> stared around. \"But he's all right now<\/strong>.\"\nThey looked at the wub, standing in the middle of the room, its great chest rising<\/strong> and falling.\n\"Come<\/strong> on,\" Franco said. \"Out of the way.\"<\/phrase>","try<\/word>","expect<\/word>","rush<\/word>","like yourselves<\/word>","learn<\/word>","The men pulled aside toward the door.\n\"You are quite<\/strong> afraid, aren't you?\" the wub said. \"Have I done anything to you? I am against the idea of hurting. All I have done is try<\/strong> to protect<\/strong> myself. Can you expect<\/strong> me to rush<\/strong> eagerly to my death? I am a sensible being like yourselves<\/strong>. I was curious to see your ship, learn<\/strong> about you. I suggested to the native-\"<\/phrase>","warm<\/word>","close<\/word>","Atomic<\/word>","wonderful things<\/word>","scientific hierarchy<\/word>","The gun jerked.\n\"See,\" Franco said. \"I thought so.\"\nThe wub settled down, panting. It put its paw out, pulling its tail around it.\n\"It is very warm<\/strong>,\" the wub said. \"I understand that we are close<\/strong> to the jets. Atomic<\/strong> power. You have done many wonderful things<\/strong> with it-technically. Apparently, your scientific hierarchy<\/strong> is not equipped to solve moral, ethical-\"<\/phrase>","rib cage shatters<\/word>","pick<\/word>","Listen<\/word>","harm<\/word>","belong<\/word>","Franco turned to the men, crowding behind him, wide-eyed, silent.\n\"I'll do it. You can watch<\/strong>.\"\nFrench<\/strong> nodded. \"Try<\/strong> to hit the brain. It's no good for eating<\/strong>. Don't hit the chest. If the rib cage shatters<\/strong>, we'll have to pick<\/strong> bones out.\"\n\"Listen<\/strong>,\" Peterson<\/strong> said, licking his lips. \"Has it done anything? What harm<\/strong> has it done? I'm asking you. And anyhow, it's still mine<\/strong>. You have no right to shoot it. It doesn't belong<\/strong> to you.\"\nFranco raised his gun.<\/phrase>","\"I'm going out,\" Jones<\/strong> said, his face<\/strong> white and sick. \"I don't want<\/strong> to see it.\"\n\"Me, too,\" French<\/strong> said. The men straggled out, murmuring. Peterson<\/strong> lingered at the door.\n\"It was talking to me about myths,\" he said. \"It wouldn't hurt anyone.\"\nHe went outside.\nFranco walked toward the wub. The wub looked up slowly. It swallowed.<\/phrase>","foolish thing<\/word>","Saviour<\/word>","razor-back hogs<\/word>","moist eyes<\/word>","\"A very foolish thing<\/strong>,\" it said. \"I am sorry that you want<\/strong> to do it. There was a parable that your Saviour<\/strong> related-\"\nIt stopped, staring at the gun.\n\"Can you look<\/strong> me in the eye and do it?\" the wub said. \"Can you do that?\"\nThe Captain<\/strong> gazed down. \"I can look<\/strong> you in the eye,\" he said. \"Back<\/strong> on the farm we had hogs, dirty razor-back hogs<\/strong>. I can do it.\"\nStaring down at the wub, into the gleaming, moist eyes<\/strong>, he pressed the trigger.<\/phrase>","only one<\/word>","chart room<\/word>","The taste<\/strong> was excellent.\nThey sat glumly around the table, some of them hardly eating<\/strong> at all. The only one<\/strong> who seemed to be enjoying himself was Captain Franco<\/strong>.\n\"More?\" he said, looking around. \"More? And some wine, perhaps.\"\n\"Not me,\" French<\/strong> said. \"I think I'll go back<\/strong> to the chart room<\/strong>.\"\n\"Me, too.\" Jones<\/strong> stood up, pushing his chair back<\/strong>. \"I'll see you later.\"<\/phrase>","green peas<\/word>","thick slab<\/word>","warm meat<\/word>","hand<\/word>","organic matter<\/word>","life essence<\/word>","love<\/word>","greatest things<\/word>","living creature<\/word>","The Captain<\/strong> watched them go. Some of the others excused themselves.\n\"What do you suppose<\/strong> the matter<\/strong> is?\" the Captain<\/strong> said. He turned to Peterson<\/strong>. Peterson<\/strong> sat staring down at his plate, at the potatoes, the green peas<\/strong>, and at the thick slab<\/strong> of tender, warm meat<\/strong>.\nHe opened his mouth. No sound<\/strong> came.\nThe Captain<\/strong> put his hand<\/strong> on Peterson<\/strong>'s shoulder.\n\"It is only organic matter<\/strong>, now,\" he said. \"The life essence<\/strong> is gone.\" He ate, spooning up the gravy with some bread. \"I, myself, love<\/strong> to eat. It is one of the greatest things<\/strong> that a living creature<\/strong> can enjoy<\/strong>. Eating<\/strong>, resting, meditation, discussing things.\"<\/phrase>","more men<\/word>","enjoyable meal<\/word>","true-the taste<\/word>","Peterson<\/strong> nodded. Two more men<\/strong> got up and went out. The Captain<\/strong> drank some water<\/strong> and sighed.\n\"Well<\/strong>,\" he said. \"I must say that this was a very enjoyable meal<\/strong>. All the reports I had heard were quite<\/strong> true-the taste<\/strong> of wub. Very fine. But I was prevented from enjoying this pleasure in times past.\"\nHe dabbed at his lips with his napkin and leaned back<\/strong> in his chair. Peterson<\/strong> stared dejectedly at the table.<\/phrase>","Cheer<\/word>","discuss things<\/word>","The Captain<\/strong> watched him intently. He leaned over.\n\"Come<\/strong>, come<\/strong>,\" he said. \"Cheer<\/strong> up! Let's discuss things<\/strong>.\"\nHe smiled.\n\"As I was saying before I was interrupted, the role of Odysseus in the myths-\"\nPeterson<\/strong> jerked up, staring.\n\"To go on,\" the Captain<\/strong> said. \"Odysseus, as I understand him-\"<\/phrase>","replace<\/word>","old editions<\/word>","Updated editions will replace<\/strong> the previous one--the old editions<\/strong>\nwill be renamed.<\/phrase>","public domain print editions<\/word>","United States<\/word>","copyright<\/word>","the Foundation<\/word>","copy<\/word>","copyright royalties<\/word>","Special rules<\/word>","set forth<\/word>","General Terms<\/word>","part<\/word>","license<\/word>","Project Gutenberg-tm<\/word>","electronic works<\/word>","registered trademark<\/word>","charge<\/word>","receive<\/word>","specific permission<\/word>","derivative works<\/word>","public domain eBooks<\/word>","trademark license<\/word>","Creating the works from public domain print editions<\/strong> means that no\none owns a United States<\/strong> copyright<\/strong> in these works, so the Foundation<\/strong>\n(and you!) can copy<\/strong> and distribute it in the United States<\/strong> without\npermission and without paying copyright royalties<\/strong>. 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'; $('#read_ahead_controls').append(s); } function updateReadAheadWordSpeed(microseconds,sender) { microseconds = microseconds != undefined && microseconds > 0 ? microseconds : 0; if (microseconds > 0) { timePerWord = microseconds; } if (sender!=undefined) { $('#slider_control_word_speed').find('a').removeClass('current_speed'); $(sender).addClass('current_speed'); } logReadAheadPlayerAction('updateReadAheadWordSpeed','Presentation',microseconds); } function updateReadAheadPhraseSpeed(microseconds,sender) { microseconds = microseconds != undefined && microseconds > 0 ? microseconds : 0; if (microseconds > 0 ) { timePerPhraseWord = microseconds; } if (sender!=undefined) { $('#slider_control_phrase_speed').find('a').removeClass('current_speed'); $(sender).addClass('current_speed'); } logReadAheadPlayerAction('updateReadAheadPhraseSpeed','Presentation',microseconds); } function updateReadAheadSliderPosition(){ var currentSliderBarWidth = 100 - (100 / totalPositions * (currentPosition + 1)); $('#readAheadSliderBar').css('width',currentSliderBarWidth+'%'); } function currentReadAheadControls(){ $('#read_ahead_player_pause_play').show(); if (currentPosition < totalPositions - 1) { $('#read_ahead_player_next_word').removeClass('disabled'); } else { $('#read_ahead_player_next_word').addClass('disabled'); } if (currentPosition > 0) { $('#read_ahead_player_previous_word').removeClass('disabled'); } else { $('#read_ahead_player_previous_word').addClass('disabled'); } } function restartReadAheadPresentation(){ currentPosition = 0; logReadAheadPlayerAction('restartReadAheadPresentation','Presentation',''); resumeReadAheadPlayback(); } function resumeReadAheadPlayback(){ $('.fa-repeat').removeClass('fa-repeat').addClass('fa-play'); $('#read_ahead_player_pause_play').each(function(){ $(this).find('.fa-play').removeClass('fa-play').addClass('fa-pause'); $(this).off('click'); $(this).attr('onclick','pauseReadAheadPresentation()'); }); logReadAheadPlayerAction('resumeReadAheadPlayback','Presentation',''); playReadAheadPresentation(); } function pauseReadAheadPresentation(){ $('#read_ahead_player_pause_play').each(function(){ $(this).find('.fa-pause').removeClass('fa-pause').addClass('fa-play'); $(this).off('click'); $(this).attr('onclick','resumeReadAheadPlayback()'); }); logReadAheadPlayerAction('pauseReadAheadPresentation','Presentation',''); read_ahead_pause(); } function endReadAheadPresentation(){ $('.fa-play').removeClass('fa-play').addClass('fa-repeat'); $('.fa-pause').removeClass('fa-pause').addClass('fa-repeat'); $('#read_ahead_player_pause_play').each(function(){ $(this).off('click'); $(this).attr('onclick','restartReadAheadPresentation()'); }); logReadAheadPlayerAction('endReadAheadPresentation','Presentation',''); logLTIEndPresentation(); } function playReadAheadPresentation(){ autoPlay=true; currentPosition--; logReadAheadPlayerAction('playReadAheadPresentation','Presentation',''); nextReadAheadPresentationItem(); } function startReadAheadStepper(timeDisplayWord){ clearInterval(readAheadPlayerTimer); readAheadPlayerTimer = setTimeout(function() { read_ahead_step(); },timeDisplayWord); } function stopReadAheadStepper(){ clearInterval(readAheadPlayerTimer); } function read_ahead_step(){ if (autoPlay) { nextReadAheadPresentationItem(); } } function read_ahead_pause(){ autoPlay=false; stopReadAheadStepper(); } function showReadAheadPresentationItem(index){ currentPosition = index; currentPresentationItem = presentation[currentPosition] != undefined ? presentation[currentPosition].trim() : ""; if (currentPresentationItem != "") { currentItemWordCount = presentation[currentPosition].replace("\n","").split(" ").length; if (currentPresentationItem.startsWith("")){ startReadAheadStepper(currentItemWordCount*timePerWord); $('#read_ahead_player_field').html('
'); logReadAheadPlayerAction('showReadAheadPresentationItem','Word',currentPresentationItem); } else { startReadAheadStepper(currentItemWordCount*timePerPhraseWord); $('#read_ahead_player_field').html('
'); logReadAheadPlayerAction('showReadAheadPresentationItem','Phrase',''); } } else { if (currentPosition < totalPositions) { nextReadAheadPresentationItem(); } else { endReadAheadPresentation(); read_ahead_minimize(); } } currentReadAheadControls(); updateReadAheadSliderPosition(); saveReadAheadPosition(); } function priorReadAheadPresentationItem(){ stopReadAheadStepper(); logReadAheadPlayerAction('priorReadAheadPresentationItem','Controls',''); showReadAheadPresentationItem(currentPosition-1); } function nextReadAheadPresentationItem(){ stopReadAheadStepper(); logReadAheadPlayerAction('nextReadAheadPresentationItem','Controls',''); showReadAheadPresentationItem(currentPosition+1); } function read_ahead_playAgain(){ currentWordIndex = 0; logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_playAgain','Controls',''); playReadAheadPresentation(); } function read_ahead_minimize(){ setMinimized = true; logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_minimize','Controls',''); read_ahead_switch_min_max(); } function read_ahead_maximize(){ setMinimized = false; logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_maximize','Controls',''); read_ahead_switch_min_max(); } function read_ahead_switch_min_max(forceSwitch){ forceSwitch = forceSwitch != undefined ? forceSwitch : false; if (forceSwitch) { setMinimized = !setMinimized; } if (setMinimized) { $('#read_ahead_player_back').fadeOut(); $('#read_ahead_player').addClass('minimize'); $('.player-icons .fa-stack').removeClass('fa-lg').addClass('fa-sm'); $('.player-icons .fa-minus').removeClass('fa-minus').addClass('fa-expand'); logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_switch_min_max','Min',''); //$('#read_ahead_player_max_min').each(function(){ // $(this).off('click'); // $(this).attr('onclick','read_ahead_maximize()'); //}); } else { $('#read_ahead_player_back').fadeIn(); $('#read_ahead_player').removeClass('minimize'); $('.player-icons .fa-stack').removeClass('fa-sm').addClass('fa-lg'); $('.player-icons .fa-expand').removeClass('fa-expand').addClass('fa-minus'); logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_switch_min_max','Max',''); //$('#read_ahead_player_max_min').each(function(){ // $(this).off('click'); // $(this).attr('onclick','read_ahead_minimize()'); //}); } } function saveReadAheadPosition(){ $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'/ajax/save_user_presentation_position.php', data: { 'id':223, 'position': currentPosition } }) .done(function(results){ }) .fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) { alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus ); }); } function logLTIEndPresentation(action) { if (!logToLTI) { return; } $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'/lti/presentationEnded.php', data: { 'documentId':223, 'userId':0, } }) } function logReadAheadPlayerAction(action,area,details){ var d = new Date(); var t = d.getTime(); action = action != undefined ? action.trim() : 'UNKNOWN'; area = area != undefined ? area.trim() : ''; details = details != undefined ? details : ''; // If we are about to show a new word, increase the number of keywords // reinforced so we can log that for the Dashboard page. if (area == 'Word') { window.keywordCount++; } $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'/logging/logPlayerAction.php', data: { 'documentId':223, 'userId':0, 'playerAction':action, 'playerArea':area, 'details':details, 'timestamp': t } }) .done(function(results){ }) .fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) { alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus ); }); }