var presentation = ["Machine Learning<\/word>","Rob<\/word>","Introduction to Machine Learning<\/strong>\nRob<\/strong> Schapire<\/phrase>","What is Machine Learning<\/strong>?<\/phrase>","studies computer<\/word>","stuff<\/word>","complete<\/word>","accurate predictions<\/word>","behave<\/word>","direct experience<\/word>","Machine learning<\/strong> studies computer<\/strong> algorithms for learning\nto do stuff<\/strong>. We might, for instance, be interested in learning to complete<\/strong> a task, or to make accurate predictions<\/strong>, or to behave<\/strong> intelligently. The learning that is being done is always based on some sort\nof observations or data, such as examples (the most common ca\nse in this course), direct experience<\/strong>, or instruction. So in general, machine learning<\/strong> is about learning to do better in the future based on what was experienced in the past.<\/phrase>","automatic methods<\/word>","other words<\/word>","human intervention<\/word>","The emphasis of machine learning<\/strong> is on automatic methods<\/strong>. In other words<\/strong>, the goal is to devise learning algorithms that do the learning automatically without human intervention<\/strong> or assistance. The machine learning<\/strong> paradigm can be viewed as \"programming by example.\"<\/phrase>","Often<\/word>","specific task<\/word>","spam filtering<\/word>","program<\/word>","own program<\/word>","provide<\/word>","core subarea<\/word>","artificial intelligence<\/word>","intelligent system<\/word>","Often<\/strong> we have a specific task<\/strong> in mind, such as spam filtering<\/strong>. But rather than program<\/strong> the computer to solve the task directly, in machine learning<\/strong>, we seek methods by which the computer will come up with its own program<\/strong> based on examples that we provide<\/strong>. Machine learning<\/strong> is a core subarea<\/strong> of artificial intelligence<\/strong>. It is very unlikely that we will be able to build any kind of intelligent system<\/strong> capable of any of the facilities that we\nassociate with intelligence, such as language or vision, without using learning to get there.<\/phrase>","Further<\/word>","consider<\/word>","other fields<\/word>","theoretical computer science<\/word>","These tasks are otherwise simply too difficult to solve. Further<\/strong>, we would not consider<\/strong> a system to be truly intelligent if it were incapable of learning since learning is at the core of\nintelligence. Although a subarea of AI, machine learning<\/strong> also intersects broadly with other fields<\/strong>, especially statistics, but also mathematics, physics, theoretical computer science<\/strong> and more.<\/phrase>","Machine Learning Problems<\/word>","Examples of Machine Learning Problems<\/strong><\/phrase>","many examples<\/word>","classification problems<\/word>","fixed set<\/word>","several examples<\/word>","optical character recognition<\/word>","categorize images<\/word>","handwritten characters<\/word>","face<\/word>","identify<\/word>","email messages<\/word>","news articles<\/word>","spoken language understanding<\/word>","limited domain<\/word>","There are many examples<\/strong> of machine learning problems<\/strong>. Much of this course will focus on classification problems<\/strong> in which the goal is to categorize objects into a fixed set<\/strong> of categories.\nHere are several examples<\/strong>:\n* optical character recognition<\/strong>: categorize images<\/strong> of handwritten characters<\/strong> by the letters represented\n* face<\/strong> detection: find faces in images (or indicate if a face<\/strong> is p\nresent)\n* spam filtering<\/strong>: identify<\/strong> email messages<\/strong> as spam or non-spam\n* topic spotting: categorize news articles<\/strong> (say) as to whether they are about politics, sports, entertainment, etc.\n* spoken language understanding<\/strong>: within the context of a limited domain<\/strong>, determine the meaning of something uttered by a speaker to the extent that it can be classified into one of a fixed set<\/strong> of categories<\/phrase>","medical diagnosis<\/word>","customer segmentation<\/word>","particular promotion<\/word>","fraud detection<\/word>","credit card transactions<\/word>","rain tomorrow<\/word>","last case<\/word>","* medical diagnosis<\/strong>: diagnose a patient as a sufferer or non-sufferer of some disease\n* customer segmentation<\/strong>: predict, for instance, which customers will respond to a particular promotion<\/strong>\n* fraud detection<\/strong>: identify<\/strong> credit card transactions<\/strong> (for instance) which may be fraudulent in nature\n* weather prediction: predict, for instance, whether or not it will rain tomorrow<\/strong> (In this last case<\/strong>, we most likely would actually be more interested in estimating the probability of rain tomorrow<\/strong>.)<\/phrase>","want<\/word>","fixed categories<\/word>","other hand<\/word>","real value<\/word>","wish<\/word>","In classification, we want<\/strong> to categorize objects into fixed categories<\/strong>. In regression, on the other hand<\/strong>, we are trying to predict a real value<\/strong>. For\ninstance, we may wish<\/strong> to predict how much it will rain tomorrow<\/strong>. Or, we might want<\/strong> to predict how much a house will sell for.<\/phrase>","richer learning scenario<\/word>","intelligent decisions<\/word>","learn<\/word>","use<\/word>","stock market<\/word>","treat<\/word>","classification problem<\/word>","regression problem<\/word>","intermediate goals<\/word>","decide<\/word>","final example<\/word>","play<\/word>","A richer learning scenario<\/strong> is one in which the goal is actually to behave<\/strong> intelligently, or to make intelligent decisions<\/strong>. For instance, a robot needs to learn<\/strong> to navigate through its environment without colliding with anything. To use<\/strong> machine learning<\/strong> to make money on\nthe stock market<\/strong>, we might treat<\/strong> investment as a classification problem<\/strong> (will the stock go up or down) or a regression problem<\/strong> (how much will the stock go\nup), or, dispensing with these intermediate goals<\/strong>, we might want<\/strong> the computer to learn<\/strong> directly how to decide<\/strong> to make investments so as to maximize wealth. A final example<\/strong> is game playing where the goal is for the computer to learn<\/strong> to play<\/strong> well through experience.<\/phrase>","Machine Learning Research<\/word>","Goals of Machine Learning Research<\/strong><\/phrase>","primary goal<\/word>","develop<\/word>","general purpose algorithms<\/word>","practical value<\/word>","Such algorithms<\/word>","computer scientists<\/word>","care<\/word>","time<\/word>","space efficiency<\/word>","great deal<\/word>","precious resource<\/word>","learning algorithm<\/word>","The primary goal<\/strong> of machine learning research<\/strong> is to develop<\/strong> general purpose algorithms<\/strong> of practical value<\/strong>. Such algorithms<\/strong> should be efficient. As usual, as computer scientists<\/strong>, we care<\/strong> about time<\/strong> and space efficiency<\/strong>. But in the context of learning, we also care<\/strong> a great deal<\/strong> about another precious resource<\/strong>, namely, the amount of data that is required by the\nlearning algorithm<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","general purpose<\/word>","broad class<\/word>","Learning algorithms should also be as general purpose<\/strong> as possible. We are looking for algorithms that can be easily applied to a broad class<\/strong> of learning problems, such as those\nlisted above.<\/phrase>","primary importance<\/word>","prediction rule<\/word>","prediction rules<\/word>","human experts<\/word>","Of primary importance<\/strong>, we want<\/strong> the result of learning to be a prediction rule<\/strong> that is as accurate as possible in the predictions that it makes.\nOccasionally, we may also be interested in the interpretability of the prediction rules<\/strong> produced by learning. In other words<\/strong>, in some contexts (such\nas medical diagnosis<\/strong>), we want<\/strong> the computer to find prediction rules<\/strong> that are easily understandable by human experts<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","direct programming<\/word>","First<\/word>","machine learning algorithms<\/word>","examine<\/word>","large amounts<\/word>","human expert<\/word>","imprecise impressions<\/word>","small number<\/word>","As mentioned above, machine learning<\/strong> can be thought of as \"programming by example.\"What is the advantage of machine learning<\/strong> over direct programming<\/strong>? First<\/strong>, the results of using machine learning<\/strong> are often<\/strong> more accurate than what can be created through direct programming<\/strong>. The reason is that machine learning algorithms<\/strong> are data driven, and are able\nto examine<\/strong> large amounts<\/strong> of data. On the other hand<\/strong>, a human expert<\/strong> is likely to be guided by imprecise impressions<\/strong> or perhaps an examination of only a\nrelatively small number<\/strong> of\nexamples.<\/phrase>"]; var currentPosition = 0; var totalPositions = 0; var timePerWord = 1500; var timePerPhraseWord = 120 var readAheadPlayerTimer; var autoPlay = true; var setMinimized = false; var wordSpeedOptions = {'Slower':2000,'Moderate':1200,'Fast':800}; var phraseSpeedOptions = {'Slower':280,'Moderate':200,'Fast':80}; var defaultWordSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var defaultPhraseSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var logToLTI = false; $(window).load(function(){ totalPositions = presentation.length; if (totalPositions > 0){ $('body').prepend('
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