var presentation = ["political and social idea<\/word>","good of the whole group<\/word>","Communism is a political and social idea<\/strong> about how a society could be organized. In simple terms, it is an idea that envisions a society, or group of people, where almost everything is shared equally. Decisions are made for the good of the whole group<\/strong>, not just for certain individuals. A truly communist society has never existed on a large scale, but the idea of communism has been around for over 150 years.<\/phrase>","opposite of communism is capitalism<\/word>","division of wealth<\/word>","U.S. is a capitalist society<\/word>","The opposite of communism is capitalism<\/strong>. In a capitalist society, people are responsible for themselves; they earn their own money, and individuals are not expected to share unless they want to. Land, property, and goods are not equally shared. This leads to what is called a division of wealth<\/strong> between the rich and the poor, because some people, like movie stars, for example, earn more money than others. Of course, in a capitalist society, there is not just the rich and the poor, but different groups of people between these two extremes with different levels of wealth. These different groups are known as social classes. The U.S. is a capitalist society<\/strong> with social classes.<\/phrase>","without any social classes<\/word>","Karl Marx<\/word>","Friedrich Engels<\/word>","In theory, communism is a society without any social classes<\/strong>. Property is owned by the community, and people share the same economic status. No one earns more than anyone else.\nThe most important communist thinker was Karl Marx<\/strong>. In 1848, Karl Marx<\/strong>, along with his colleague Friedrich Engels<\/strong>, wrote The Communist Manifesto. This short book laid out the beliefs of communism.<\/phrase>","struggle between social classes<\/word>","ruling class or bourgeoisie<\/word>","Marx argued that all of history could be explained as a struggle between social classes<\/strong>. In the book, Marx and Engels wrote that each society was owned or controlled by a small group of people who controlled the means of production (how things are made). This group was known as the ruling class or bourgeoisie<\/strong>. The book stated that the bourgeoisie used everyone else - the majority working class, or proletariat - for cheap labor and for their own profits. The working class, though they were in the majority, didn't get to own or control much.<\/phrase>","start a revolution<\/word>","spread the wealth equally<\/word>","Marx wanted the whole world to become communist, and he predicted that the working class would start a revolution<\/strong> and overthrow the ruling class. After winning the revolution, the working class would then spread the wealth equally<\/strong>, and a communist society would be created in which everyone acted for the greater good. The idea of the communist revolution is one of the most important ideas in The Communist Manifesto.<\/phrase>","communism took hold in Russia<\/word>","For 70 years, The Communist Manifesto remained just a book and an idea. Then, in 1917, communism took hold in Russia<\/strong>. Working-class people had been moving to cities to work in factories, but living and working conditions were poor. They began to feel like the upper classes were oppressing them. It is not surprising, then, that a communist political party began growing in popularity.<\/phrase>","Bolsheviks<\/word>","the Soviet Union<\/word>","The revolution that took place in Russia in 1917 was chaotic. Revolutionaries took over the government in February, and then in October, a subgroup of revolutionaries known as the Bolsheviks<\/strong> took power. Over the next several years, a series of civil wars broke out. Finally, in 1922, the communist party firmly established its authority and formed the first communist country: the Soviet Union<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","Joseph Stalin<\/word>","brutal dictator<\/word>","forced labor camps<\/word>","When Joseph Stalin<\/strong> took power in 1924, he quickly became a brutal dictator<\/strong>. He was suspicious of anyone who questioned communism or his authority as the country's leader and ordered that political dissenters were executed. Those he did not kill were sent to Gulags, extremely harsh forced labor camps<\/strong>. Scholars estimate at least 4 million people died at Stalin's order during his 30 years of leadership.<\/phrase>","centralize Soviet agriculture<\/word>","terrible famine<\/word>","the Soviet Union<\/word>","In keeping with communist ideas, Stalin tried to centralize Soviet agriculture<\/strong> in the 1930s. The state took control of most crops, and when farm owners resisted, they were executed. A terrible famine<\/strong> spread throughout the Soviet Union<\/strong> in 1932 because the state chose to store and sell crops to foreign countries instead of providing food to the people. This is just one example of the Soviet leaders taking advantage of what seemed like a communist plan to help everyone.<\/phrase>","the Soviet Union<\/word>","collapsed in 1991<\/word>","the Soviet Union<\/strong> remained communist and tried to expand communism to other parts of the world - until it collapsed in 1991<\/strong>. Its economy never caught up to the progress of capitalist economies (like in the United States), and anywhere from 8 million to 60 million people died.<\/phrase>","Mao Zedong<\/word>","Joseph Stalin<\/word>","Communism took hold in China for similar reasons - people wanted to better their lives and felt oppressed by the classes above them. The communist political party started in 1921, but China did not become a communist nation until 1949 when Mao Zedong<\/strong> took power. Like Joseph Stalin<\/strong>, Mao cracked down on political dissent and ruthlessly held onto power.<\/phrase>","modernizing China's economy<\/word>","quasi-communist<\/word>","After Mao's death in 1976, Chinese leaders wanted to keep the communist system of government while modernizing China's economy<\/strong>. Since the 1970s, China's economy has continued to develop and has become extremely competitive on the world stage, but its government remains quasi-communist<\/strong>, and political dissenters are still oppressed. Overall, communism in China killed at least 60 million people.<\/phrase>","slowly transitioning<\/word>","Communist countries still exist today, although each system looks different. China remains communist; other communist countries are Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam. Most of these places do not claim to be fully communist yet - instead, their constitutions explain they are slowly transitioning<\/strong> from capitalism to a purer form of communism that has yet to exist in the world so far.<\/phrase>","North Korea<\/word>","highly-centralized socialist state<\/word>","the Soviet Union<\/word>","North Korea<\/strong> is often in the news, and many Americans would consider it communist. However, it is actually a highly-centralized socialist state<\/strong>. It does have many characteristics similar to China and the Soviet Union<\/strong>, including a powerful dictator, a single political party, and widespread oppression of and violence against political dissenters.<\/phrase>","the Soviet Union<\/word>","communism as an idea<\/word>","promised hope<\/word>","In both the Soviet Union<\/strong> and China, communism as an idea<\/strong> gained popularity because people felt unappreciated and oppressed in their current living conditions. Communism promised hope<\/strong> for the future and equality with the people who ignored them or took advantage of them.<\/phrase>","Joseph Stalin<\/word>","Mao Zedong<\/word>","true communist society<\/word>","Karl Marx<\/word>","However, every actual attempt at communism so far has led to the rise of powerful dictators, mass killings, and even more extreme poverty. The communist leaders we read about today (like Joseph Stalin<\/strong> and Mao Zedong<\/strong>) did not create the ideal communist society in which everyone was equal and shared goods and resources equally. Instead, they used their positions of great authority to oppress others and boost themselves up. A true communist society<\/strong>, like the one Karl Marx<\/strong> envisioned, has never really existed.<\/phrase>"]; var currentPosition = 0; var totalPositions = 0; var timePerWord = 1500; var timePerPhraseWord = 120 var readAheadPlayerTimer; var autoPlay = true; var setMinimized = false; var wordSpeedOptions = {'Slower':2000,'Moderate':1200,'Fast':800}; var phraseSpeedOptions = {'Slower':280,'Moderate':200,'Fast':80}; var defaultWordSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var defaultPhraseSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var logToLTI = false; $(window).load(function(){ totalPositions = presentation.length; if (totalPositions > 0){ $('body').prepend('
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