var presentation = ["princess of the Fire Nation<\/word>","daughter of Fire Lord Ozai<\/word>","adversary of Team Avatar<\/word>","banished brother<\/word>","best friends, Mai and Ty Lee<\/word>","Azula was the princess of the Fire Nation<\/strong>, daughter of Fire Lord Ozai<\/strong> and Ursa, younger sister of Zuko, and older half-sister of Kiyi. She was a key adversary of Team Avatar<\/strong>, chasing Avatar Aang and her banished brother<\/strong> far across the Earth Kingdom accompanied by her then two best friends, Mai and Ty Lee<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","firebending prodigy<\/word>","sadistic<\/word>","coup<\/word>","halted the invasion<\/word>","A firebending prodigy<\/strong>, Azula was sadistic<\/strong>, manipulative, and obsessed with power. She was a skilled strategist who orchestrated the coup<\/strong> of the Earth Kingdom capital, Ba Sing Se, and halted the invasion<\/strong> on the Day of Black Sun.<\/phrase>","harbored deep mental instabilities<\/word>","mother loved Zuko more<\/word>","without a mother-figure<\/word>","betrayal of her two closest friends<\/word>","Sozin's Comet<\/word>","complete mental breakdown.<\/word>","Azula harbored deep mental instabilities<\/strong>, believing her mother loved Zuko more<\/strong> than her. Raised by her father in an environment without a mother-figure<\/strong>, Azula had to be nothing less than perfect in her father's eyes in order to gain affection and attention from him. After the betrayal of her two closest friends<\/strong> Mai and Ty Lee, these instabilities were brought up to the surface. Upon the arrival of Sozin's Comet<\/strong>, Azula was soon to be crowned Fire Lord; however, her defeat at the hands of her brother Zuko and Katara caused her to suffer a complete mental breakdown.<\/strong><\/phrase>","mental health facility to recover<\/word>","Team Avatar<\/word>","search for Ursa<\/word>","usurp<\/word>","escaped the team's supervision<\/word>","Following her emotional breakdown, Azula was put in a mental health facility to recover<\/strong>, though she eventually joined Team Avatar<\/strong> on their search for Ursa<\/strong>, as part of her secret agenda to betray them and usurp<\/strong> the throne from Zuko. At this quest's completion, however, Azula escaped the team's supervision<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","exile<\/word>","manipulating Zuko<\/word>","group of female supporters<\/word>","mythical Kemurikage<\/word>","kidnapping children in the capital<\/word>","Sometime after her exile<\/strong>, Azula returned to the Fire Nation Capital in secret. Having finally accepted that she would never be Fire Lord, Azula resorted to manipulating Zuko<\/strong> so that she could rule through him. Gathering a group of female supporters<\/strong>, she took on the guise of the mythical Kemurikage<\/strong> to intimidate Ukano into threatening Zuko. When that failed, Azula and her followers resorted to kidnapping children in the capital<\/strong>, setting the city into civil unrest. Though Zuko and his allies were able to rescue the children, Azula and her followers escaped.<\/phrase>","named after her paternal grandfather<\/word>","sharp wits<\/word>","firebending prodigy<\/word>","Ozai's favorite child<\/word>","Royal Fire Academy for Girls<\/word>","Fire Nation noblemen<\/word>","Princess Azula was born to Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa in 85 AG and was named after her paternal grandfather<\/strong>, Fire Lord Azulon. Azula grew up with all the riches, splendor, and privileges of royalty in the Fire Nation. Her sharp wits<\/strong> and the fact that she was a firebending prodigy<\/strong> gained her great attention and acclaim, which quickly made her Ozai's favorite child<\/strong>. Her father began raising her as his true heir from an early stage, taking her into his confidence and educating her in politics. Azula later attended the Royal Fire Academy for Girls<\/strong>, where she met and befriended Mai and Ty Lee, two daughters of Fire Nation noblemen<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","father's favoritism of Azula<\/word>","cohesion<\/word>","reenact the final duel<\/word>","Love amongst the Dragons<\/word>","siblings eventually grew apart.<\/word>","Despite the heightened tensions in their family due to their father's favoritism of Azula<\/strong>, cohesion<\/strong> and peace were still strong among the young family during Azula and Zuko's childhood; for example, the two would often reenact the final duel<\/strong> of Love amongst the Dragons<\/strong> after watching the play during their frequent vacations at Ember Island. Both siblings happily recalled these memories many years later. However, as they grew older, the siblings eventually grew apart.<\/strong><\/phrase>","mother loved Zuko much more<\/word>","rift of jealousy<\/word>","Azula ignited a flower<\/word>","retaliation<\/word>","tattletale<\/word>","increasingly hostile attitude<\/word>","Though Azula was clearly favored by Ozai, she felt that her mother loved Zuko much more<\/strong> than her, creating a rift of jealousy<\/strong> between her and Ursa and Zuko. Confronted daily with this mother\/son bonding, Azula often attempted to gain Ursa's attention in some way. However, these attempts usually resulted in family quarrels. Around 94 AG, Azula walked together with her mother and brother in the royal garden. Feeling neglected and bored, as Ursa only talked with Zuko, Azula ignited a flower<\/strong>, prompting Zuko to tell on her to Ursa. Ursa scolded Azula for disrespecting the royal garden, but the princess just said that the flower \"deserved it\", as it had not grown to her liking. In retaliation<\/strong> for telling on her, the Fire Nation princess burned Zuko's bottom, calling him a tattletale<\/strong>. However, Ursa promptly sent her to her room. Scowling over this treatment, Azula stormed off. Scenes like this became regular occurrences, and as a result, the Fire Princess developed an increasingly hostile attitude<\/strong> toward Zuko and Ursa.<\/phrase>","conservative training techniques<\/word>","set his britches on fire<\/word>","teacher sounded like a fool<\/word>","spiteful joy<\/word>","natural talent for the bending art<\/word>","Months later, Azula and her family ate together at the palace dining hall. The princess, dissatisfied with the conservative training techniques<\/strong> of her firebending teacher, happily told her father that she set his britches on fire<\/strong> after being lectured by him. Ozai agreed that the teacher sounded like a fool<\/strong> for insisting on specified forms and declared that he would send him to the colonies as punishment. Full of spiteful joy<\/strong>, Azula said that it \"serve[d] him right\" and called him a \"dummy\". When Zuko attempted to defend the tutor, he was promptly silenced by his father, who reprimanded him for his poor firebending skills and compared him with Azula and her natural talent for the bending art<\/strong>. Ozai revealed that he nearly discarded Zuko at birth, believing the prince to be a nonbender, causing Azula to smile triumphantly at her shocked brother.<\/phrase>","tendency for malice<\/word>","shoved her friend<\/word>","out of jealousy<\/word>","her crush on her brother Zuko<\/word>","great pleasure in embarrassing<\/word>","Azula often displayed her natural talents, along with her tendency for malice<\/strong> and perfection, but these traits were especially clear when the princess played with her friends in the royal garden in 95 AG. When Ty Lee successfully performed a cartwheel after Azula's failed attempt, she shoved her friend<\/strong> to the ground out of jealousy<\/strong> while laughing gleefully. When she saw ten-year-old Mai attempting to hide her crush on her brother Zuko<\/strong>, Azula used her acting and cunning to convince her mother to make Zuko play with them. During their game, she placed an apple on Mai's head and set it on fire, forcing Zuko to tackle Mai into a fountain to put out the fire. She found great pleasure in embarrassing<\/strong> the two of them.<\/phrase>","tactician<\/word>","father would make a better Fire Lord<\/word>","torched a doll<\/word>","disrespect to her grandfather<\/word>","powerful firebender<\/word>","A true tactician<\/strong>, Azula desired power from a young age, suggesting that her father would make a better Fire Lord<\/strong> than the heir apparent, her uncle Iroh. She torched a doll<\/strong> that her uncle had sent her as a gift from the Earth Kingdom, preferring the weapon Zuko had gotten over a simple doll. Not long after this, her cousin Lu Ten was killed in battle, prompting Iroh to abandon his legendary six-hundred-day siege of Ba Sing Se, which in turn prompted Azula to call him \"a quitter and a loser\". She even showed some slight disrespect to her grandfather<\/strong>, as when she was told to call him \"Fire Lord Azulon\", she responded with, \"Can't we just call him grandfather? He's not exactly the powerful firebender<\/strong> he used to be\".<\/phrase>","spectacular display of her firebending prowess<\/word>","copy her performance but failed<\/word>","he be made Fire Lord<\/word>","grandfather sentence him to death<\/word>","Azula played with the knife<\/word>","father's coronation<\/word>","amicable<\/word>","Shortly after receiving this news, Azula and the rest of her family went before Fire Lord Azulon, and she put on a spectacular display of her firebending prowess<\/strong>. After her routine, she watched smugly as Zuko tried to copy her performance but failed<\/strong>. When Azulon ordered everyone except Ozai out of the room, Azula grabbed her brother and hid behind the curtains. From there, she and Zuko watched their father request that he be made Fire Lord<\/strong> instead of Iroh. When Zuko fled in fear of the Fire Lord's anger, Azula stayed behind to watch with amusement. She later met her brother back in his room, claiming gleefully that she heard her grandfather sentence him to death<\/strong>. She taunted him about it until their mother angrily pulled her away for a private talk. Under pressure from Ursa, Azula confessed what she overheard and was told by her mother to go to her room, which she did with a devious smile. A short time later, Azula played with the knife<\/strong> that Zuko had received from Iroh and coolly announced to him that no one knew where their mother was and their grandfather had passed away during the night. Soon after that, she watched her father's coronation<\/strong> with glee. No amicable<\/strong> feelings developed between her and Zuko throughout the next few years, as Ozai apparently began to favor her more and more over her brother during this period.<\/phrase>","Ozai burned her brother's face<\/word>","relentless training in firebending<\/word>","fire was blue<\/word>","create lightning<\/word>","Azula, alongside Iroh and Zhao, watched Zuko's Agni Kai with his father. When Ozai burned her brother's face<\/strong>, she smiled smugly in triumph, along with Zhao. When Zuko was banished from the Fire Nation, Azula officially became Ozai's heir. For the next three years, she would continue her relentless training in firebending<\/strong>, strategy, and combat until she refined herself enough to serve her father. By this time, her firebending advanced to the level where her fire was blue<\/strong>, and she could create lightning<\/strong>, thus increasing her overall bending power and intensity, making her a formidable opponent.<\/phrase>","rulership over the city to one Joo Dee<\/word>","uncle Iroh in chains<\/word>","welcomed as war heroes<\/word>","Zuko had killed the Avatar<\/word>","greater dishonor<\/word>","After the fall of Ba Sing Se, Azula made arrangements for her friends, Zuko, and herself to return to the Fire Nation. Before leaving the Earth Kingdom capital, she passed her rulership over the city to one Joo Dee<\/strong>, whom she raised to the city's Supreme Bureaucratic Administrator. She also brought back her uncle Iroh in chains<\/strong>, who would be imprisoned in the Capital City Prison complex for his treachery. Back home, both she and her brother were welcomed as war heroes<\/strong> and were greeted by crowds of their people. However, Azula doubted that the Avatar was truly dead and believed that Zuko was hiding something from her. As such, she informed her father that Zuko had killed the Avatar<\/strong>, which would set him up for greater dishonor<\/strong> should he be proven to be alive.<\/phrase>","conceal her identity<\/word>","all-day war meeting<\/word>","Sozin's Comet<\/word>","eventual defection<\/word>","Azula traveled with her friends and Zuko to Ember Island for a brief vacation while the Fire Lord conferred with his advisers in private. Azula took advantage of this opportunity to experience life as a normal person for the very first time, choosing to keep conceal her identity<\/strong> as a princess. The vacation was one of the few moments of her life when Azula opened up and revealed her pain and resentment about her relationship with her mother. After returning to the capital, Azula attended an important all-day war meeting<\/strong> with her father, her brother, and the nation's most important generals, where she suggested using Sozin's Comet<\/strong> to destroy the Earth Kingdom once and for all, a plan which dismayed Zuko and would contribute to his eventual defection<\/strong> from their nation.<\/phrase>","infiltration in the Earth Kingdom<\/word>","royal family evacuated<\/word>","retaliate with full force<\/word>","Having gained knowledge of the invasion during her infiltration in the Earth Kingdom<\/strong>, Azula warned the Fire Lord in advance, and the royal family evacuated<\/strong> to an underground bunker prior to the invasion. Azula and her agents stalled Aang, Sokka, and Toph from finding Fire Lord Ozai before the eclipse ended. This distraction allowed the Fire Army to retaliate with full force<\/strong> once their bending was reactivated, bringing the invasion to an end.<\/phrase>","subsequent mental breakdown<\/word>","Zuko's pity<\/word>","committed to an asylum<\/word>","befriended some other patients<\/word>","Ursa's whereabouts<\/word>","knowledge of being of service to the Fire Lord<\/word>","what exactly happened to their mother<\/word>","After her Agni Kai with Zuko and subsequent mental breakdown<\/strong>, Azula's insanity earned her Zuko's pity<\/strong>, and rather than being sent to prison, like their father Ozai was, she was committed to an asylum<\/strong> on a nearby island, where she was continuously monitored. Although she considered the mental health facility a \"horrible\" experience, Azula actually befriended some other patients<\/strong>. About a year later, she was visited by her brother, who told her that he had consulted with Ozai on several occasions in an attempt to learn Ursa's whereabouts<\/strong>, to no avail. Answering his request for help, Azula said that she needed nothing in return for her assistance, as the mere knowledge of being of service to the Fire Lord<\/strong> would be enough satisfaction. She also stated that she had been wondering as well what exactly happened to their mother<\/strong> following her disappearance six years earlier.<\/phrase>","adjoining cell with her father<\/word>","hold of the tray with her teeth<\/word>","lap up the beverage like an animal<\/word>","confined in her straitjacket<\/word>","completely immobile<\/word>","dignified conversation<\/word>","She was placed in an adjoining cell with her father<\/strong>, though they did not speak with each other for half an hour. Zuko observed this and brought them tea in an attempt to make the situation more enjoyable. Azula grabbed hold of the tray with her teeth<\/strong>, however, causing Zuko to fall over. She angrily accused him of wanting to see her lap up the beverage like an animal<\/strong> since she would have had no other way to drink it while confined in her straitjacket<\/strong>. Her outburst prompted Ty Lee to chi block her, rendering her completely immobile<\/strong>. Due to her poor mental health, Azula questioned the girl as to how \"she\", referring to Ursa, had managed to break the grasp of fear Azula used to have on her. Before the situation could escalate any further, Zuko intervened and stated that he had meant no harm and just wanted to ease the conversation with Ozai along. After being placed on her chair again, the chi blocked Azula arrogantly stated that if her brother wanted her and their father to have a dignified conversation<\/strong>, he should leave them alone, which he did.<\/phrase>","coax<\/word>","Ursa's whereabouts<\/word>","sensation of being chi blocked<\/word>","fired a lightning bolt<\/word>","stack of undelivered letters<\/word>","she burned them<\/word>","Zuko was not actually Ozai's son<\/word>","intercepted by Ozai<\/word>","leverage<\/word>","overthrow Zuko<\/word>","search for their mother<\/word>","When Zuko was taking her back to her old quarters in the palace where she would be staying, he asked her whether or not she had been able to coax<\/strong> the needed information about Ursa's whereabouts<\/strong> from Ozai. She dodged the question and asked in return whether or not he had ever experienced the sensation of being chi blocked<\/strong>. When Zuko said he had not, she proceeded to meticulously describe the feeling, mentioning that one becomes extremely flexible right before regaining their full control. To prove her words, she twisted her arm out of her straitjacket and fired a lightning bolt<\/strong> at her brother. In the ensuing skirmish, she managed to free herself entirely and made her way into a nearby building. Via a hidden passageway, she went to one of Ozai's secret chambers, where she retrieved a stack of undelivered letters<\/strong>, which Ursa had written to her hometown. Before Zuko could take them from her, she burned them<\/strong>, having already read them herself. She concealed one of them, however, as it contained information that suggested Zuko was not actually Ozai's son<\/strong> and thus had no claims to the throne. Unaware that Ursa wrote down false information because she knew the letter would be intercepted by Ozai<\/strong>, Azula kept it for leverage<\/strong> so she could eventually overthrow Zuko<\/strong> and let her brother believe that all had been destroyed. In return for knowledge about what had been written in the allegedly burned letter, she requested to be allowed to go with him on his search for their mother<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","released her from the mental institution<\/word>","Team Avatar<\/word>","immediately attacked by Katara<\/word>","non-lethal lightning shock<\/word>","intervened and immobilized her<\/word>","haughtily<\/word>","Complying with the request, Zuko released her from the mental institution<\/strong> and allowed her to accompany him, unbound and with dignity. When she showed herself to Team Avatar<\/strong>, however, she was immediately attacked by Katara<\/strong>. She easily dodged their attacks and proceeded to taunt and insult Sokka. It did not come to a scuffle until the next day when a short struggle ensued between her and Sokka. Azula disarmed him with a small, non-lethal lightning shock<\/strong> after he threatened her with his boomerang. The rest of the team immediately intervened and immobilized her<\/strong> with their bending. Upon her release, she haughtily<\/strong> stated that if they all just stayed away from her, they would get along perfectly.<\/phrase>","Team Avatar<\/word>","Hira'a to find her mother<\/word>","jumping off of Appa<\/word>","heard her mother's voice<\/word>","take the throne from Zuko<\/word>","hallucination of her mother<\/word>","stating the love declaration to be nothing<\/word>","She traveled with Team Avatar<\/strong> on Appa to Hira'a to find her mother<\/strong>, but her mood was erratic, unpredictable, and characterized by delusions and hallucinations, as she constantly asked Team Avatar<\/strong> how \"she\" had contacted them, referring to her mother. Upon nearing Hira'a, she attempted to escape by jumping off of Appa<\/strong>. Aang swooped down and caught her in free fall, but she set his glider afire, causing him to crash to the ground and securing her getaway. She ran away but stopped as she neared a stream and heard her mother's voice<\/strong> coming from the water. She argued with the reflection, accusing Ursa of desiring to ruin her from the day she was born and heading a conspiracy to strip her of her power, of which she also claimed her mother had been jealous. However, she triumphantly stated that thanks to Ursa's letter, she now had all the proof she needed to take the throne from Zuko<\/strong>. She thus revealed her own plans to find and kill Ursa herself in order to stop her once and for all. She let out an emotionally toiled scream as the hallucination of her mother<\/strong> confirmed her love for her, prompting Azula to fire a lightning bolt at the mirage, stating the love declaration to be nothing<\/strong> more than Ursa's last treasonous attempt to set her own mind against her.<\/phrase>","whom she had been speaking<\/word>","encased in ice by Katara<\/word>","Ursa's co-conspirators<\/word>","wolf spirit appeared<\/word>","moth wasps<\/word>","Azula asked Zuko to free her<\/word>","he could not even trust his own family<\/word>","true to her word<\/word>","large lightning bolt and shot it away<\/word>","he found the letter she was hiding<\/word>","At that point, Zuko arrived and asked to whom she had been speaking<\/strong>. Reacting aggressively, Azula wanted to strike her brother down but was encased in ice by Katara<\/strong> before she got the chance. As the waterbender approached her, she accused her of being one of Ursa's co-conspirators<\/strong>. Her rant, however, was interrupted when the wolf spirit appeared<\/strong> and attacked the group. As they were being overpowered by moth wasps<\/strong> coughed up by the spirit, Azula asked Zuko to free her<\/strong> so she could help, convincing him that she could not possibly make things worse for them and stating that if he could not even trust his own family<\/strong>, there was no one left to be trusted. He melted her icy restraints, and true to her word<\/strong>, she created a large lightning bolt and shot it away<\/strong> from the group, drawing the light-oriented moth wasps<\/strong> and wolf spirit with it. That night, Azula was talking in her sleep and shivering from the cold before Zuko covered her with a blanket: during this time, he found the letter she was hiding<\/strong> and was left stunned by its contents.<\/phrase>","another hallucination of Ursa<\/word>","shoot her mother with lightning<\/word>","true destiny<\/word>","unstable firebender<\/word>","threatened Sokka and Katara with fire<\/word>","she stormed off after Zuko.<\/word>","The next day, the princess was awoken by another hallucination of Ursa<\/strong>. She was urged by her mother to stop what she was doing, as Ursa believed it was not Azula's destiny to assume the throne. In response, Azula intended to shoot her mother with lightning<\/strong>, but Ursa only pleaded with her more urgently to find her true destiny<\/strong>. Azula snapped out of her hallucination with Katara's hand in her grip; Sokka prepared his boomerang to strike her, but Katara managed to calm the unstable firebender<\/strong> down. After her outburst, Azula discovered that the letter she had kept was missing and immediately assumed that Zuko had taken it. Her brother was not at camp, however, and Azula threatened Sokka and Katara with fire<\/strong> to force them to tell her where Zuko had gone. After burning down a few nearby trees and bushes, she stormed off after Zuko.<\/strong><\/phrase>","discussing the letter<\/word>","duel broke out<\/word>","mother of tipping him off<\/word>","stop their fighting, to which Azula agreed<\/word>","Azula found her brother sitting with Aang at the edge of a cliff discussing the letter<\/strong> questioning his heritage. Frustrated, she shot fire blasts at him, and a duel broke out<\/strong>. While Aang ran back to check up on Sokka and Katara, Azula was grabbed by Zuko and held over the cliff while she accused their mother of tipping him off<\/strong> to the letter's location before learning that he had held it all night. Zuko requested that they stop their fighting, to which Azula agreed<\/strong>, and they both returned to camp. After the rest of the team put out the fires, the entire group continued their journey to Hira'a.<\/phrase>","Team Avatar<\/word>","crimson robes<\/word>","Love amongst the Dragons<\/word>","acted out the battle scene<\/word>","headcuts<\/word>","scared the young girl<\/word>","tensions between Katara and Azula<\/word>","They reached the border of Hira'a, and the Team Avatar<\/strong> disguised themselves using crimson robes<\/strong>. Azula was the only one who still wore her own outfit. The group arrived just as a performance of Love amongst the Dragons<\/strong> was ending. Azula and Zuko recalled the times they used to see the play and how they acted out the battle scene<\/strong>; Azula bragged she made a better Dragon Emperor, which is why she took up the role between the two. The play ended, and Azula followed the others. They met the leader of the Hira'a acting troupe, Noren, who offered them information on Ursa in addition to tea and an invitation to his and his wife, Noriko's, home. Azula and Zuko spoke with the couple's daughter, Kiyi, about her doll. The princess mentioned she used to give her dolls \"headcuts<\/strong>\" instead of haircuts, offering one for Kiyi's doll, which scared the young girl<\/strong> and caused Zuko to berate his sister. Afterward, the firebender remarked that she was \"tempted to burn the whole place down, but resisted for [Zuko]\". The thought drew Katara's ire, causing the two girls to argue. The increasing tensions between Katara and Azula<\/strong> resulted in Zuko declaring that Forgetful Valley would be the last stop for the trip.<\/phrase>","Mai's knives cut into Azula<\/word>","knife-throwing skills<\/word>","Kemurikage<\/word>","inspiration for their masquerade<\/word>","Azula to release Kei Lo<\/word>","Zuko to win back Mai<\/word>","Later on, Azula and her friends confronted her brother, Aang, her former friends, and Kei Lo. As they battled each other, Mai's knives cut into Azula<\/strong>'s hood. Azula mocked her about her knife-throwing skills<\/strong> and attacked her former friend once more. Azula explained how she heard about the Kemurikage<\/strong> when they were at a sleepover at Mai's, having heard her mumble about the spirits in her dreams. While resuming her attack, she thanked Mai for giving her the inspiration for their masquerade<\/strong>. When Kei Lo suddenly bumped into Azula from behind, she quickly grabbed him and threatened Kei Lo, and mocked Mai about her relationships. Zuko was next to intervene, firmly asking Azula to release Kei Lo<\/strong>, to which Azula mocked what she believed to be a depressing attempt of Zuko to win back Mai<\/strong>.<\/phrase>","tomb shaped like a Lion Turtle<\/word>","fire-dagger over his face<\/word>","never become Fire Lord<\/word>","voices in her head<\/word>","all the kidnapped children were rescued<\/word>","ruthless and authoritarian he could be<\/word>","vanished in smoke<\/word>","After exchanging a fire blast with her brother, Azula ran off into a tomb shaped like a Lion Turtle<\/strong>. When Zuko followed her inside, Azula explained that they were in the tomb of the first Fire Lord's most trusted adviser. As Zuko pointed out that she seemed more stable, Azula suddenly attacked him. The brief Agni Kai ended with Azula pinning Zuko to the ground and raising a fire-dagger over his face<\/strong>, claiming this was how it had always been between them. Zuko defiantly replied that even if Azula killed him, she would never become Fire Lord<\/strong> and that she should accept that fact. To his surprise, Azula released him and said that she had not only accepted it but embraced it. She revealed that the voices in her head<\/strong> had stopped once she realized her own true destiny: it was not to become Fire Lord herself but to shape Zuko into a more ruthless leader who ruled through strength and fear. Although Zuko points out that she has lost now that all the kidnapped children were rescued<\/strong>, Azula countered that she had won, claiming that, in the last twenty-four hours, she had shown exactly how ruthless and authoritarian he could be<\/strong>. Before she could be apprehended, she vanished in smoke<\/strong> while commanding Zuko to accept what she made of him.<\/phrase>","Kemurikage<\/word>","citizens' understanding<\/word>","searched for a way to be a better leader<\/word>","cohorts<\/word>","disappeared once more<\/word>","As Zuko addressed his subjects, Azula and her comrades, all still masquerading as the Kemurikage<\/strong>, watched his speech from a nearby rooftop. Hearing Zuko ask for his citizens' understanding<\/strong> and patience as he searched for a way to be a better leader<\/strong>, Azula smiled and sneered \"How touching\" to herself. Putting her mask and hood back on, she and her cohorts<\/strong> disappeared once more<\/strong>.<\/phrase>"]; var currentPosition = 0; var totalPositions = 0; var timePerWord = 1500; var timePerPhraseWord = 120 var readAheadPlayerTimer; var autoPlay = true; var setMinimized = false; var wordSpeedOptions = {'Slower':2000,'Moderate':1200,'Fast':800}; var phraseSpeedOptions = {'Slower':280,'Moderate':200,'Fast':80}; var defaultWordSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var defaultPhraseSpeedOption = 'Moderate'; var logToLTI = false; $(window).load(function(){ totalPositions = presentation.length; if (totalPositions > 0){ $('body').prepend('
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'; s += '
'; $('#read_ahead_controls').append(s); } function updateReadAheadWordSpeed(microseconds,sender) { microseconds = microseconds != undefined && microseconds > 0 ? microseconds : 0; if (microseconds > 0) { timePerWord = microseconds; } if (sender!=undefined) { $('#slider_control_word_speed').find('a').removeClass('current_speed'); $(sender).addClass('current_speed'); } logReadAheadPlayerAction('updateReadAheadWordSpeed','Presentation',microseconds); } function updateReadAheadPhraseSpeed(microseconds,sender) { microseconds = microseconds != undefined && microseconds > 0 ? microseconds : 0; if (microseconds > 0 ) { timePerPhraseWord = microseconds; } if (sender!=undefined) { $('#slider_control_phrase_speed').find('a').removeClass('current_speed'); $(sender).addClass('current_speed'); } logReadAheadPlayerAction('updateReadAheadPhraseSpeed','Presentation',microseconds); } function updateReadAheadSliderPosition(){ var currentSliderBarWidth = 100 - (100 / totalPositions * (currentPosition + 1)); $('#readAheadSliderBar').css('width',currentSliderBarWidth+'%'); } function currentReadAheadControls(){ $('#read_ahead_player_pause_play').show(); if (currentPosition < totalPositions - 1) { $('#read_ahead_player_next_word').removeClass('disabled'); } else { $('#read_ahead_player_next_word').addClass('disabled'); } if (currentPosition > 0) { $('#read_ahead_player_previous_word').removeClass('disabled'); } else { $('#read_ahead_player_previous_word').addClass('disabled'); } } function restartReadAheadPresentation(){ currentPosition = 0; logReadAheadPlayerAction('restartReadAheadPresentation','Presentation',''); resumeReadAheadPlayback(); } function resumeReadAheadPlayback(){ $('.fa-repeat').removeClass('fa-repeat').addClass('fa-play'); $('#read_ahead_player_pause_play').each(function(){ $(this).find('.fa-play').removeClass('fa-play').addClass('fa-pause'); $(this).off('click'); $(this).attr('onclick','pauseReadAheadPresentation()'); }); logReadAheadPlayerAction('resumeReadAheadPlayback','Presentation',''); playReadAheadPresentation(); } function pauseReadAheadPresentation(){ $('#read_ahead_player_pause_play').each(function(){ $(this).find('.fa-pause').removeClass('fa-pause').addClass('fa-play'); $(this).off('click'); $(this).attr('onclick','resumeReadAheadPlayback()'); }); logReadAheadPlayerAction('pauseReadAheadPresentation','Presentation',''); read_ahead_pause(); } function endReadAheadPresentation(){ $('.fa-play').removeClass('fa-play').addClass('fa-repeat'); $('.fa-pause').removeClass('fa-pause').addClass('fa-repeat'); $('#read_ahead_player_pause_play').each(function(){ $(this).off('click'); $(this).attr('onclick','restartReadAheadPresentation()'); }); logReadAheadPlayerAction('endReadAheadPresentation','Presentation',''); logLTIEndPresentation(); } function playReadAheadPresentation(){ autoPlay=true; currentPosition--; logReadAheadPlayerAction('playReadAheadPresentation','Presentation',''); nextReadAheadPresentationItem(); } function startReadAheadStepper(timeDisplayWord){ clearInterval(readAheadPlayerTimer); readAheadPlayerTimer = setTimeout(function() { read_ahead_step(); },timeDisplayWord); } function stopReadAheadStepper(){ clearInterval(readAheadPlayerTimer); } function read_ahead_step(){ if (autoPlay) { nextReadAheadPresentationItem(); } } function read_ahead_pause(){ autoPlay=false; stopReadAheadStepper(); } function showReadAheadPresentationItem(index){ currentPosition = index; currentPresentationItem = presentation[currentPosition] != undefined ? presentation[currentPosition].trim() : ""; if (currentPresentationItem != "") { currentItemWordCount = presentation[currentPosition].replace("\n","").split(" ").length; if (currentPresentationItem.startsWith("")){ startReadAheadStepper(currentItemWordCount*timePerWord); $('#read_ahead_player_field').html('
'); logReadAheadPlayerAction('showReadAheadPresentationItem','Word',currentPresentationItem); } else { startReadAheadStepper(currentItemWordCount*timePerPhraseWord); $('#read_ahead_player_field').html('
'); logReadAheadPlayerAction('showReadAheadPresentationItem','Phrase',''); } } else { if (currentPosition < totalPositions) { nextReadAheadPresentationItem(); } else { endReadAheadPresentation(); read_ahead_minimize(); } } currentReadAheadControls(); updateReadAheadSliderPosition(); saveReadAheadPosition(); } function priorReadAheadPresentationItem(){ stopReadAheadStepper(); logReadAheadPlayerAction('priorReadAheadPresentationItem','Controls',''); showReadAheadPresentationItem(currentPosition-1); } function nextReadAheadPresentationItem(){ stopReadAheadStepper(); logReadAheadPlayerAction('nextReadAheadPresentationItem','Controls',''); showReadAheadPresentationItem(currentPosition+1); } function read_ahead_playAgain(){ currentWordIndex = 0; logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_playAgain','Controls',''); playReadAheadPresentation(); } function read_ahead_minimize(){ setMinimized = true; logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_minimize','Controls',''); read_ahead_switch_min_max(); } function read_ahead_maximize(){ setMinimized = false; logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_maximize','Controls',''); read_ahead_switch_min_max(); } function read_ahead_switch_min_max(forceSwitch){ forceSwitch = forceSwitch != undefined ? forceSwitch : false; if (forceSwitch) { setMinimized = !setMinimized; } if (setMinimized) { $('#read_ahead_player_back').fadeOut(); $('#read_ahead_player').addClass('minimize'); $('.player-icons .fa-stack').removeClass('fa-lg').addClass('fa-sm'); $('.player-icons .fa-minus').removeClass('fa-minus').addClass('fa-expand'); logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_switch_min_max','Min',''); //$('#read_ahead_player_max_min').each(function(){ // $(this).off('click'); // $(this).attr('onclick','read_ahead_maximize()'); //}); } else { $('#read_ahead_player_back').fadeIn(); $('#read_ahead_player').removeClass('minimize'); $('.player-icons .fa-stack').removeClass('fa-sm').addClass('fa-lg'); $('.player-icons .fa-expand').removeClass('fa-expand').addClass('fa-minus'); logReadAheadPlayerAction('read_ahead_switch_min_max','Max',''); //$('#read_ahead_player_max_min').each(function(){ // $(this).off('click'); // $(this).attr('onclick','read_ahead_minimize()'); //}); } } function saveReadAheadPosition(){ $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'/ajax/save_user_presentation_position.php', data: { 'id':3213, 'position': currentPosition } }) .done(function(results){ }) .fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) { alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus ); }); } function logLTIEndPresentation(action) { if (!logToLTI) { return; } $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'/lti/presentationEnded.php', data: { 'documentId':3213, 'userId':0, } }) } function logReadAheadPlayerAction(action,area,details){ var d = new Date(); var t = d.getTime(); action = action != undefined ? action.trim() : 'UNKNOWN'; area = area != undefined ? area.trim() : ''; details = details != undefined ? details : ''; // If we are about to show a new word, increase the number of keywords // reinforced so we can log that for the Dashboard page. if (area == 'Word') { window.keywordCount++; } $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'/logging/logPlayerAction.php', data: { 'documentId':3213, 'userId':0, 'playerAction':action, 'playerArea':area, 'details':details, 'timestamp': t } }) .done(function(results){ }) .fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) { alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus ); }); }