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Stanley Hudson

The Office Character Guide

Stanley Hudson is a fictional character played by Leslie David Baker in the television series The Office. He was a salesman sitting across from Phyllis Lapin-Vance at Dunder Mifflin Scranton. He hates Michael with a passion.
Stanley is a long-time worker at Dunder Mifflin; he's been divorced and has a daughter from a relationship before he was married to Teri.
Stanley continues with work until "Stress Relief." Dwight starts a fire and causes a general panic at The Office. As a result, Stanley has a mild heart attack. When he returns to The Office, his doctor has told him that if he continues to live in a stressful environment, he will die. Stanley is issued a stress monitor by his doctor. In "Stress Relief" Part 2, Stanley is wearing his stress monitor. It consistently goes off when Michael approaches him.
In Season 9, Stanley retires from Dunder Mifflin and moves to Florida City. He later returns for the reunion, where he reveals that he now carves wooden birds as a hobby.