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A Guide to Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series by Rick Riordan

Blitzen (Blitz) is a 20-year-old dwarf or, more specifically, a svartalf from Nidavellir. He has dark skin and hair, and has a beard. He is the son of a Vanir, Freya, making him Magnus' cousin, and a dwarf, Bilì, who was eaten by Fenris Wolf while checking Fenris's prison rope.
He is sent alongside Hearth by Mimir to watch and protect Magnus. Though he watches Magnus for two years, the task fails when Magnus is killed, but Blitz continues to look for him until they are reunited in Valhalla. As a dwarf, Blitz is sensitive to sunlight and will slowly turn to stone if exposed to too much sunlight, which is why he always wears a copious amount of clothing whenever there is sunlight.
Instead of forging, Blitz excels in clothing design, making him a laughing stock among his fellow dwarfs, but after he wins a match against Eitri Junior, he becomes respected and eventually opens up a clothing shop. In battle, Blitz uses his creations to assist himself, including chain-mail gloves and vest. Blitz has had a strong relationship with Hearth ever since the former saved the latter's life, and the two are very protective of each other.