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One of Us is Lying


Guide to YA Lit

One of Us Is Lying is a young adult, mystery/suspense novel by author Karen M. McManus. The book uses multiperspectivity to show the points-of-view of all four student suspects.
The story begins when the five major characters - Bronwyn, Simon, Nate, Cooper, and Addy - attend detention with teacher Mr. Avery after he found phones in each of their school bags, against the high school's no-phone policy. However, each of the students claims that the phones are not theirs, and that someone played a prank on them. They hear a collision coming from the school parking lot, and Mr. Avery leaves to see if he can help. Simon - creator of the About That gossip app in which the personal lives of students at their high school, Bayview High, are posted for the rest of the school to see - begins a speech about the stereotypical personalities of the other four students and how he, through his app, is the omniscient narrator. He drinks water from a plastic cup and suffers a fatal allergic reaction (due to his peanut allergy). The others attempt to help but it is too late and Simon dies in hospital.
Initially, the incident is considered an accident, but after a Tumblr post is shared, claiming that Simon's death was planned and the killer watched him die, the police begin to investigate and find an unpublished post by Simon that features the secrets of the other four students. Each of the secrets would affect the student's future-- Bronwyn's cheating on a test could impact her college applications; Nate's repeated misdemeanor could send him to jail; Addy's infidelity might end her relationship; and the accusation of steroid-use could halt Cooper's potential baseball career. The four are initially suspicious of one another but begin to appreciate each other due to their shared situation.
The investigation receives media attention and the four are dubbed the 'Bayview four.' After Simon's funeral, his post is leaked and the rest of the school learn the four's secrets, triggering the consequences--Bronwyn's parents are disappointed; Nate's house is searched; Addy's relationship ends; and Cooper's performance is investigated. This prompts Maeve, Bronwyn's younger sister, to investigate Simon's online activity, which brings to light the encrypted original post about Cooper, and Simon's activity on massacre-worship forums, on which he mentions a similar desire.
Addy befriends Janae, Simon's friend. Bronwyn and Nate return to his home to avoid the media and find his mother, whom he claimed was dead. She claims to now be sober, and wishes to reconcile with her son and help. The encrypted file regarding Cooper is opened by the police, outing him as gay. This causes a rift between Cooper and his father, who is suggested to be homophobic. When Cooper is bullied verbally in the cafeteria after this news is leaked, Nate defends him, and the group sit together, demonstrating their new solidarity and friendship. Evidence is found tying Nate to the murder and he is arrested. Bronwyn contacts Eli Kleinfelter, a lawyer she saw on television defending the Bayview four, asking him to help.
She suggests a meeting between the remaining three, and allies to their plight - Maeve, and Addy's sister Ashton. Cooper's partner, Kris, suggests that Simon may have committed suicide and framed the others for his death, and that Janae may know more. Janae confesses to Addy about Simon's plan and her and Jake's involvement. Jake arrives and attempts to strangle Addy. Addy is saved by Cooper, who accompanied her to the house.
Jake is taken into custody and Nate is released, but is shaken from his time in the juvenile detention center, rejecting Bronwyn's concern and breaking off their relationship. Addy heals in hospital and after, Ashton asks Addy to live with her, which Addy happily accepts. Cooper's college options begin to reappear and his relationship with his father starts to improve. Bronwyn applies to Yale and begins dating Evan Neiman, another student, though she does not consider it serious. She later finds Nate waiting for her, wanting to apologize. The story ends as she accepts his offer to a movie as friends.