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Stuart Bloom


The Big Bang Theory Character Guide

Stuart Bloom runs the Comic Center in Pasadena, the comic book store that the characters often visit. Stuart is characterized by his low self-esteem and loneliness, which often result in pathetic attempts to engage with women and win favor with the main cast. This is despite owning his own business, and being a talented portraiture artist who attended the Rhode Island School of Design.
During Stuart's first appearances in season 2, he shows enough social skills to ask Penny on a date on two occasions, though neither ends successfully. In "The Hofstadter Isotope", his first date with Penny goes well for most of the evening, but when they return to her apartment, their run-in with Sheldon devolves into an endless argument between Stuart and Sheldon over the minutiae of Batman comics that puts Penny to sleep. In season five, Stuart goes on a date with Amy, but Sheldon interrupts the date to solidify his relationship with her.
Stuart was the partner of Wil Wheaton in a trading-card game tournament in which they defeated the team of Raj and Sheldon. As proprietor of a comic-book store, Stuart has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of comic books and superheroes. In the season-four episode "The Toast Derivation", he mentions that he is in financial trouble and that the store is now also his home, and over the years, he has questioned the profitability or success running the store.
During "The Decoupling Fluctuation", Stuart becomes close friends with Raj and joins the gang as Howard's replacement while he is in space. When Howard returns, Sheldon wants to dismiss Stuart from the group, but Raj objects. Leonard tie-breaks on the basis that they are receiving a 20% discount in Stuart's store, and Sheldon relents after Stuart offers to go as high as 30%, thereby becoming a bigger and more prominent part of the core group. Sheldon has tried to hide his clear belief that Stuart is more of a hanger-on to the group of friends than a core member, most notably in a story where Stuart was part of a motley "test brunch" along with Burt the geologist and a neighbor who only spoke English she'd heard on TV, so Sheldon could work-out any hosting issues before trying an event with his real friends. Stuart actually got angry and told Sheldon it was clear they didn't even see him as a friend, leading Sheldon to sincerely apologize and try harder to be nice to Stuart for a period. Stuart is also limited the group because he is a lot like Raj, a mostly-single guy around three couples, but Raj is best friends with Howard and closer friends with the others than Stuart.
After his comic-book store is destroyed in a fire, Howard offers him a place to stay and a job as his mother, Debbie's, nurse. Stuart likes the job and develops a surprising closeness with Debbie, even staying long after she recovers, to Howard's annoyance. After Debbie's death, Howard and Bernadette move back into the house, with Stuart still staying. In the eighth-season finale, the two attempt to ask Stuart to move out, but are unable to bring themselves to do it after Stuart reveals it is his birthday. He eventually makes his own decision to move in the middle of season 9; however in the middle of season 10, he reveals that he has been evicted from his apartment and tries to use his helping with Howard and Bernadette's baby to move back in with them, much to Raj's chagrin. He does not always appear with the main group, as he was somehow not at Howard and Bernadette's during the birth of their 2nd child Neil.
During season 11, he hires a woman named Denise, at his shop, and becomes attracted to her. In the season 11 finale, Denise is his date to Sheldon and Amy's wedding, where she exhibits an attraction to Stuart when he displays a superior level of knowledge of Star Wars trivia to Mark Hamill, who is performing the ceremony. In the second episode of season 12, they are revealed to have made out at the ceremony, and have their first date at the end of that episode.