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Jess Mariano


Gilmore Girls Character Guide

Jess Mariano was a main character in seasons two and three, and recurring afterward in seasons four and six. He first appears in the episode "Nick & Nora, Sid & Nancy", arriving in Stars Hollow from New York. He is sent to live with his uncle Luke by his mother and Luke's sister, Liz, who raised him as a single-mother after the departure of Jess's father, Jimmy Mariano. Although the reasons for his move remain vaguely defined, Luke reports that Jess had been getting into some trouble, so Liz is sending Jess to Luke to straighten him out. Stars Hollow subsequently plays host to his pranks, petty theft, caustic attitude, and schoolyard fights. Rebellious and resentful, Jess appears a typical bad boy but is revealed to be a great reader with similar eclectic tastes in music and pop culture to Rory. Though similarly intellectually inclined, his low scholastic ambition contrasts with Rory's aspiration, but the two become friends despite others' disapproval.
In addition to the townspeople's general dislike, Lorelai and Rory's boyfriend, Dean, are particularly suspicious of him after each experience early confrontations with Jess's risky behavior and bad attitude. Luke and Jess have a difficult relationship fraught by Jess's resentment and Luke's unpracticed attempts at parenting, although the tension between them is often relieved by humorous mutual antagonism. Luke's care for his nephew is shown, for instance, when he attempts to conceal the fact that Liz does not want Jess back in New York for Christmas. Jess sees through the deception, and his hatred of his mother surfaces periodically.
Jess pursues Rory with differing degrees of subtlety while she is in a relationship with Dean, and Rory struggles with the split in her affections and loyalties as her attraction to Jess mounts. A car accident during an illicit break from a tutoring session leaves Rory with a fractured wrist and Jess back in New York. Rory uncharacteristically skips school in an unplanned trip to visit him in Washington Square Park. Jess similarly unexpectedly returns to Stars Hollow in the season two finale, and Rory impetuously kisses him and leaves, begging him to be silent about it. The two are separated over the summer, and in the season three premiere, Rory returns home from a student government stay in Washington to find Jess dating another girl and angry at Rory's lack of communication with him.
Jess and Rory begin dating after the town's annual dance marathon, where Dean breaks up with Rory over her barely concealed attraction to Jess. The couple experience problems with jealousy and communication, and Jess and Dean's mutual enmity causes tension in their relationship. Lorelai and Jess do not warm to one another.
Jess is shown attending school less often, working increasingly long hours, secretly at first, for Walmart. Though Jess says he has the situation under control, Luke is concerned enough to secretly steal Jess's car to encourage him back to school by preventing him from traveling to work. However, Jess is informed he missed 31 days of school and cannot graduate unless he retakes his senior year, which he is unwilling to do. Jess's life grows more difficult after a fight with Rory, when she tries to find out why he's upset, but he tries to find physical comfort rather than tell her he's failed out of school. Confused by his emotional distance, Rory leaves their encounter in tears, causing Dean to pick a fight with Jess. Rory and Jess don't know how to approach each other after their fight. A visit from his estranged father Jimmy prompts an angry exchange between Jess and Luke, and Luke issues an ultimatum-- Jess must retake senior year and graduate, or leave. Jess leaves for Venice Beach, California to stay with his unwitting father, and without telling either Luke or Rory.
Jess returns to Stars Hollow in season four to steal his car back from Luke. Luke and Jess argue over his earlier disappearance. Another more heated exchange is sparked by Luke's attempt to encourage Jess to intervene in his mother's love life, when Jess speaks angrily of his resentment of Luke's paternal interference and his own feeling of failure. Jess also sees Rory on several occasions, but he leaves each time without speaking to her. Eventually, he unexpectedly declares his love for her, but leaves again without her replying. A few months later, Jess returns again to Stars Hollow to attend Liz's wedding on Luke's request. Jess visits Rory's dorm at Yale and asks her to run away with him, saying they are meant to be together and affirming that he has changed and she can rely on him. Rory declines and later acts on a growing closeness with married ex-boyfriend Dean. She confides in friend Lane that Jess was appealing in his tastes and attractiveness, but contrasts his unreliability unfavorably with Dean's dependable nature. Jess and Luke reconcile after an argument at T.J.'s bachelor party and some shared romantic advice.
In season six, Jess returns to give Rory a copy of a short novel he has written called The Subsect. He finds her at the Gilmore mansion during her period of estrangement from Lorelai over dropping out of Yale. Jess describes his life in Philadelphia working for the publisher of his book, Truncheon. He attributes getting his life on track to her and tells her he couldn't have done it without her. Their plans for dinner are interrupted by the early return of Rory's boyfriend Logan from a visit to one of the Huntzberger newspapers in Omaha. A tense evening is cut short when the escalating hostility between Jess and Logan results in Jess storming out of the restaurant. When Rory follows him and tries to make excuses for Logan's behavior, Jess confronts her about her life choices. He insists he knows her better than anyone and she isn't acting like herself. The two part awkwardly, though he wishes her a belated happy birthday.
Jess's final appearance is in season six in "The Real Paul Anka", where he and Rory meet in Philadelphia at an open house for Truncheon. Luke also attends and introduces his nephew to his daughter, April, while Jess presses a check on his uncle to pay him back what's owed. Later, Rory praises Jess's novel, and the two talk about her role as editor of the Yale Daily News, leading Jess to observe that she is happier than when he last saw her. Jess says he's happy Rory came, and they share a kiss, but Rory confesses she is still with Logan. At first, Jess is hurt and angry at being used, but he calms down enough to tell her that he isn't sorry that she came to see him, despite what's happened. Rory later tells her mom she went to see Jess in Philadelphia because he's her friend now.
In the revival, Jess appears to be on good terms with everyone. He last saw Rory 4 years prior. He reports his professional and personal life are stable but not permanent. He returns to Stars Hollow to help Luke take care of his mom, Liz, and, while visiting, encourages Rory to write her own novel, after seeing she's lost professionally. He later provides support for Luke when he's conflicted about Lorelai. He returns to attend the wedding of Luke and Lorelai. He tells Luke he's long over his romantic feelings for Rory, but is later shown gazing at her, causing him, and viewers, to wonder if that is actually the truth.