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F.P. Jones


Riverdale Character Guide

Forsythe Pendleton Jones II known as F.P. is the ex-husband of Gladys Jones, father of Jughead and Jellybean Jones and Charles Smith, and the leader of the Southside Serpents.
F. P. grew up in Riverdale and attended Riverdale High School with best friend Fred Andrews, Mary Andrews, Penelope Blossom, Alice Cooper, Hal Cooper and Hermione Lodge.
At the age of sixteen, F. P.'s father kicked him out of the house. Because of this, he joined the Southside Serpents, who accepted him as one of their own. Soon thereafter, he enlisted in the army. After serving his country, F. P. returned to Riverdale, picking up from where he left off with the Serpents; however, he later retired and gave the place of king and queen to Jughead and Betty .
F. P. and Fred Andrews later went on to found a construction company together, but barely made enough to stay in business. By that time, F. P. had married and become a father to two young children, whom he and his wife would frequently take to the Twilight Drive-In-however, they often could not afford tickets for everyone, so the kids would hide in the trunk until they parked. While Fred had his wife and son, Archie, to provide for, F. P. had his family as well as many hospital bills. Due to this, F. P. became involved in a string of criminal activities which would often end with him getting arrested and Fred having to bail him out. Eventually, he became too big of a liability for their company and was forced by Fred to resign.
After losing his job, F. P. began drinking heavily, which led the Jones family to fall apart. F. P.'s wife left him and took their daughter with her to Toledo to live with the kids' grandparents, and Jughead began living out of the projection booth of the drive-in, where he had found employment. F. P. ended up living alone at the Sunnyside Trailer Park, where he continued drinking. At an unknown point, F. P. became the leader of the Southside Serpents, a dangerous biker gang of thugs and criminals.
In the third season, he becomes the Sheriff of Riverdale after being appointed the position by Mayor Lodge. He is currently in a live-in relationship with his high-school sweetheart, Alice Cooper.